Movie Review: ‘Pray: The Story of Patrick Peyton’ October 7, 2020By John Mulderig Filed Under: Feature, Movie & Television Reviews, News, World News The moving documentary “Pray: The Story of Patrick Peyton” (ArtAffects) lucidly chronicles its subject’s life and feels imbued with his warm and fervent spirit.
Catholic Charities USA pledges to seek passage of new pandemic relief bill October 7, 2020By Dennis Sadowski Catholic News Service Filed Under: Coronavirus, Feature, News, World News The president of Catholic Charities USA said the agency would turn to Capitol Hill to get a pandemic relief bill passed after it called President Donald Trump’s decision to suspend talks on the legislation “heartless.”
Eventual coronavirus vaccine should belong to everyone, pope says October 7, 2020By Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service Filed Under: Coronavirus, Feature, News, Vatican, World News An eventual vaccine for COVID-19 would belong to the world and should not be hoarded greedily by countries hosting the lab or labs that develop it, Pope Francis said.
Face masks deemed expression of faith that deepens safety precaution October 6, 2020By Chaz Muth Catholic News Service Filed Under: Coronavirus, Feature, News, World News The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly advise the wearing of face masks to prevent the coronavirus transmission.
Georgetown panelist: Encyclical offers ‘alternative way of looking at life’ October 6, 2020By Mark Pattison Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Fratelli Tutti, News, Vatican, World News Pope Francis wants Catholics to determine “where our real loyalty is, where our commitment is, where we are in relation to the throwaway people,” said Franciscan Sister Nancy Schreck
Catholic activists applaud encyclical’s stance against death penalty October 6, 2020By Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Fratelli Tutti, News, Respect Life, Social Justice, Vatican, World News Pope Francis tackled several issues in his new encyclical, but the section devoted to ending capital punishment was particularly cheered by U.S. Catholics who oppose the death penalty.
Bishops say ‘Rosary for America’ Oct. 7 imperative for a country in crisis October 5, 2020By Pablo Kay Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, World News Invoking Mary’s intercession for the U.S. together as Catholics is imperative for a country beset by multiple crises, said bishops participating a virtual “Rosary for America” Oct. 7, the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.
Learning from months of pandemic Masses, Baltimore archdiocese adjusts policies on music, greetings October 5, 2020By Tim Swift Catholic Review Filed Under: Coronavirus, Feature, Local News, News As the coronavirus pandemic enters its seventh month, the Archdiocese of Baltimore is adjusting some of its safety guidance on celebrating Mass, including allowing priests to greet parishioners while wearing a mask and permitting small ensembles to provide music.
RADIO INTERVIEW: Get to know Father Patrick Peyton, 101 Surprising Facts about Mary October 5, 2020By Catholic Review Staff Catholic Review Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Feature, Local News, News, Radio Interview Christopher Gunty talks with Father David Guffey, C.S.C., executive producer of the new documentary, “Pray: The Life of Patrick Peyton.” George Matysek interviews Father David Meconi, S.J., a professor at St. Louis University, about his new book, “101 Surprising Facts about Mary.”
Pope calls for politics to rediscover its vocation to work for common good October 5, 2020By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Fratelli Tutti, News, Vatican, World News People who think politics is sinking to new lows may find comfort in knowing Pope Francis also is concerned about the debasement of what church teaching has described as a “lofty vocation.”
Dogs, cats, turtles and a horse that had a career at Medieval Times turn out for pet blessings October 4, 2020By Kevin J. Parks Catholic Review Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Feature, Local News, News, Video “Waffles,” “Pickles,” “Spastic Fantastic,” “Tiger Bruce Willis” and “Ramsey” were just a few of the named four-legged celebrities making appearances at the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi blessing of pets Oct. 1 through 4 at parishes around the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Belief in God as creator of all has practical consequences, pope says in new encyclical October 4, 2020By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Fratelli Tutti, News, Respect Life, Vatican, World News Professing faith in God as the creator of all human beings, or even simply recognizing that all people possess an inherent dignity, has concrete consequences for how people should treat one another and make decisions in politics, economics and social life, Pope Francis wrote.