Maryland Knights of Columbus, Cross Catholic Outreach team up to pack 40,000 meals April 14, 2021By Matthew Liptak Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Feature, Knights of Columbus, Local News, News Catholics from across the region came together in northeast Baltimore County April 10 to prepare food for tens of thousands of children and their families in need. More than 100 volunteers jumped into production lines to package 40,000 meals.
Top Knight says group is ‘force for good,’ bolsters men’s faith, families March 15, 2021By Kurt Jensen Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, News, World News Patrick Kelly’s formal installation as the 14th Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus is still off in the indefinite future because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but he officially began his new job March 1 at the Knights’ headquarters in New Haven, Connecticut.
Glory Restored: Local Knights of Columbus refurbish historic African American cemetery February 9, 2021By Kyle Taylor Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, Local News, News, Racial Justice Seeing the Ellsworth Cemetery – a place of historic racial significance in Carroll County – in such a state of disarray did not sit well with Thomas Greul. He saw a wrong that needed to be righted, and got to work.
Kelly to succeed Anderson as Knights of Columbus CEO February 5, 2021By Catholic News Service Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, News, World News Patrick Kelly, a retired U.S. Navy captain, is the new leader of the Knights of Columbus, succeeding Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, who has headed the international fraternal organization as its CEO for more than two decades.
Justice for unborn called first ‘foundational’ principle of pro-life movement February 1, 2021By Catholic News Service Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, News, Respect Life, World News Supreme Knight Carl Anderson urged the pro-life movement to remain committed to four foundational principles: justice, truth, democracy and compassion.
Archbishop Lori celebrates Mass of thanksgiving for Father McGivney’s beatification November 24, 2020By Christopher Gunty Catholic Review Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Archbishop's Ministry, Baltimore Basilica, Feature, Knights of Columbus, Local News, News, Saints Archbishop William E. Lori celebrated Mass Nov. 24 in the chapel of St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore in thanksgiving for the beatification of Father Michael J. McGivney, an alumnus of the seminary, the oldest in the United States.
Watch 11:30 a.m. livestream of Archbishop Lori celebrating a Mass of Thanksgiving for the beatification of Father Michael McGivney November 24, 2020By Catholic Review Staff Catholic Review Filed Under: Knights of Columbus, Local News, News, Video Watch a livestream of the Nov. 24 Mass of Thanksgiving for the beatification of Father Michael McGivney.
Archbishop Lori says Blessed McGivney, as parish priest, embodied beatitudes November 2, 2020By Julie Asher Filed Under: Archbishop's Ministry, Feature, Knights of Columbus, Local News, News, Video, World News Blessed Michael J. McGivney was a priest of the Eight Beatitudes because he lived them “so consistently and thoroughly” as a parish priest and as the founder of the Knights of Columbus, said Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori, the Knights’ supreme chaplain.
Father McGivney, model parish priest with ‘zeal’ for Gospel and serving faithful, beatified October 31, 2020By Julie Asher Catholic News Service Filed Under: Archbishop's Ministry, Feature, Knights of Columbus, Local News, News, Saints, World News Blessed Michael J. McGivney was “an outstanding witness of Christian solidarity and fraternal assistance” because of his “zeal” for proclaiming the Gospel and his “generous concern for his brothers and sisters,” Pope Francis said in his apostolic letter of beatification of the founder of the Knights of Columbus.
Watch livestream of the beatification of Father Michael McGivney October 30, 2020By Catholic Review Staff Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, Local News, News, Video Watch a livestream of the Oct. 31 beatification of Father Michael McGivney beginning at 11 a.m.
Couple says miracle child’s Down syndrome a ‘blessing’ for family October 30, 2020By Andy Telli Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, News, Saints, World News Reflected in Mikey’s miracle are the Knights’ dedication to respecting life in all its stages, the order’s support for people with intellectual and developmental delays, its support for families, and the example of Father McGivney for all parish priests,
Baltimore lecture series to mark beatification of Father Michael McGivney October 28, 2020By Tim Swift Catholic Review Filed Under: Archbishop's Ministry, Feature, Knights of Columbus, Local News, News To celebrate the beatification of Venerable Father Michael McGivney, St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Roland Park is hosting a series of online lectures about the founder of the Knights of Columbus who became a model for the humble, hardworking parish priest.