With formation, prayer, fraternity, Knights’ Cor initiative aims to strengthen Catholic men’s faith October 27, 2023By Kimberly Heatherington OSV News Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, Men, News, World News Dubbed “Cor” — Latin for “heart” — the initiative is designed, its website says, “to form and strengthen Catholic men in faith and virtue as missionary disciples by drawing them into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, formation, and fraternity.”
Convention summons Knights of Columbus to discipleship, transformation of world August 7, 2023By Peter Jesserer Smith OSV News Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, News, World News Nearly 2,300 members of the Knights of Columbus, spouses and family members gathered together from all parts of the globe Aug. 1-3 in Orlando under the theme “First in faith and charity.”
Honored by Knights, Sisters of Life founding superior shares ‘secret of loving’ behind a culture of life August 4, 2023By Peter Jesserer Smith OSV News Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, News, Respect Life, Vocations, World News Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore, the Knights’ supreme chaplain, introduced Mother Agnes as “a true disciple of the Lord working in a profoundly difficult apostolate.”
Annual convention Mass challenges Knights of Columbus to be eucharistic, bring Christ to others August 2, 2023By Peter Jesserer Smith OSV News Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, News, World News The Knights of Columbus 141st Supreme Convention held Aug. 1-3 in Orlando gathered Knights, both lay and clergy, from all over the globe at the Orlando World Center Marriott, showing its international reach and “Catholic” nature of the brotherhood, encompassing men of diverse cultures, languages and continents all held together by the same faith in Jesus Christ.
Supreme Knight: Knights of Columbus deepen faith in Jesus, make charity personal August 2, 2023By Peter Jesserer Smith OSV News Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, News, World News In his address for the 141st Supreme Convention of the Knights of Columbus, Patrick Kelly illustrated how the Knights’ goal of being “first in faith, first in charity” drew its source from a commitment to follow Jesus Christ.
Knights of Columbus council awards five endowed scholarships July 6, 2023By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, Local News, News, Schools Five Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore are establishing new endowed scholarships thanks to a $250,000 donation from the Knights of Columbus Notre Dame Council 2901.
New Haven churches merged into new parish named for Knights of Columbus founder July 5, 2023By Gina Christian OSV News Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, News, World News A priest on the road to sainthood, who has united millions of Catholic men across the world, is drawing faithful together in the town where he first served.
Knights of Columbus are called to take ‘co-responsibility’ for church with ‘heart of a father’ June 16, 2023By Gina Christian OSV News Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, News, World News Knights of Columbus are called to have “the heart of a father” while taking “co-responsibility” for the mission of the Catholic Church.
Possible eucharistic miracle in Connecticut under Vatican investigation May 5, 2023By Gina Christian OSV News Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, News, Vatican, World News A possible eucharistic miracle in Connecticut is now under investigation by the Vatican.
Knights’ novena marks 10th anniversary of Pope Francis’ pontificate, includes Archbishop Lori’s prayer March 13, 2023By OSV News OSV News Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, Local News, News, Vatican As he congratulated Pope Francis on his 10th anniversary as spiritual leader of the Catholic Church, Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly of the Knights of Columbus invited Catholics to participate in a novena to St. Joseph for the pontiff.
Archbishop Lori sees resilience in Ukraine, helps distribute Knights’ aid October 3, 2022By Christopher Gunty Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, Local News, News, War in Ukraine Archbishop William E. Lori joined a small group of leaders from the Knights of Columbus on a four-day trip to Poland and Ukraine to help distribute aid from the fraternal organization to orphanages and other service centers assisting refugees from the war in Ukraine.
Bullseye: Men fling axes in Anne Arundel County to step up faith September 26, 2022By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, Local News, News Bob Uhl was one of more than 70 men from Our Lady of the Chesapeake and St. Jane Frances de Chantal in Riviera Beach who gathered for a night of axe throwing and log splitting Sept. 24 at St. Jane Frances.