Cheering for the Orioles, One Beautiful Dream, conversation contests, geeking out, Pokemon, and holy water (7 Quick Takes) May 4, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Last weekend my uncle gave us two tickets to the Orioles game, so Daniel and I jumped at the chance to go.
Slops for Dinner May 2, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window On nights when my husband is working late, our boys and I often eat slops.
Chalk drawings, children who grow too quickly, and highlights of a full week in rhyme (7 Quick Takes) April 28, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Let’s wrap up National Poetry Month with 7 Quick Takes in rhyme!
An open letter to the Duchess of Cambridge: In praise of third children April 24, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Kate, you may think you have this parenting thing down by now, but you are in for a treat. Because now you and Prince William are parents to a third child.
A taste of spring, when mom cooks dinner, a munchkin survey, and frigid baseball fun (7 Quick Takes) April 20, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Our saucer magnolia tree is blooming! Spring is here, and then it’s not, and then it sort of is. I think we might see some warmer weather this weekend.
Big fat juicy ones, long slim slimy ones… April 16, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window On our morning drive to school it was gray and rainy. It looked like a long, wet, gray day without outdoor recess.As our car inched along in the drop-off line, I spotted a little girl—maybe 6 or 7 years old—bounding along the sidewalk. She was stopping every few feet to bend down to the concrete, […]
Tie tying, homework and all that jazz, learning the Apostles’ Creed, a favorite board game, and more (7 Quick Takes) April 12, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window My parents sent our second-grader a new tie with a First Communion tie tack to wear, and he could not wait to put it on when it arrived.
Good Enough Is Good Enough: Q&A with Author Colleen Duggan April 11, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Books, Open Window “Writing is such a form of prayer,” Colleen told me. “When I get out of the way, the Holy Spirit can really work through me.”
The first day of baseball season April 9, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window At that first practice, anything and everything is possible. The season lies ahead of us fresh and clean and exciting.
Easter dinner and eggs and bunnies, a half-birthday celebration, and a sign of gratitude (7 Quick Takes) April 5, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Easter fun, eggs, babies and gratitude.
Yet another reason to sing Alleluia April 3, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Congratulations! If you’re reading this, you didn’t get hit by the Chinese space station.
Boiling eggs, a new teakettle, a Garmin for Jesus, and more (7 Quick Takes) March 30, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window, Uncategorized Every year when I take out the eggs for Easter I google “how to boil eggs.”