In addition to his patronage of the church and a happy death, St. Joseph is patron of nearly a dozen countries. He also is patron of the sick, fathers and husbands, and workers, among others.
St. Patrick: Do you know the myth or the man?
Surprisingly, given the popularity and influence of the day, many revelers know little about St. Patrick the man.
Postwar Italian leader is exemplar of Christian politics, cardinal says
Cardinal Baldassare Reina, the papal vicar, spoke about the need for a truly Christian vision of politics and public service Feb. 28 as he officially closed the diocesan phase of the sainthood cause of De Gasperi, who founded Italy’s Christian Democrat party and served as prime minister of Italy from 1945 to 1953.
Sober St. Patrick’s Day puts Ireland’s saint at center of celebrations, says founder
An annual celebration of St. Patrick’s Day is looking to recenter the observance on Ireland’s patron saint and the spiritual strength that enabled him to live life fully and freely.
St. Joseph novena guides those ‘on the path to adoption’
The faithful are invited to pray for those whose lives are touched by adoption, seeking the intercession of St. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus.
Celebrating the four women doctors of the church
The doctors of the church are the saints that many of us need to understand the faith better, and more than that, to grow in our relationship with the Lord.
5 pearls of saintly wisdom on kicking sin to the curb
The lives of the saints are filled with examples of heroic virtue (faith, hope and love), but they weren’t born with it. And it was never just handed to them, no matter how they came to Christ.
Vatican decree on 19th-century doctor’s canonization leaves Venezuelans rejoicing
Venezuelan Catholics attended cheerful Masses and held processions on Feb. 26, the day after Pope Francis approved the canonization of Blessed José Gregorio Hernández, a 19th-century medical doctor who modernized medicine in the South American nation and was known for his fervent faith and willingness to serve the poor.
Pope moves Kansas-born military chaplain closer to sainthood
Pope Francis has advanced the sainthood cause of Father Emil J. Kapaun, a U.S. Army chaplain who gave his life ministering to fellow soldiers in a North Korean prison camp.
Radio Interview: Celebrating the 50th anniversary of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s canonization
Joining Catholic Review Radio to talk about St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and some special events that are coming up to honor the anniversary of her canonization is Rob Judge, executive director of the Seton Shrine in Emmitsburg and a parishioner of St. Mary in Hagerstown.
Archbishop Broglio: Vatican decree on St. Teresa of Kolkata feast ‘an occasion of joy’
The leader of the nation’s Catholic bishops has commended Pope Francis’ move to extend to the universal Catholic Church the feast of a beloved saint and “contemporary witness” of faith.
Who are Ss. Cyril and Methodius, the other Feb. 14 saints?
Not as widely known in the United States as St. Valentine are two other saints at the top of the list on Feb. 14, and recent popes have repeatedly sought to draw greater attention to them.