A nun who walked the halls of St. Alphonsus School in Baltimore is on her way to becoming a saint.
St. Joseph in Taneytown creatively honors 21 pastors
St. Joseph in Taneytown has had a host of illustrious pastors over the course of its 213-year history.
Archdiocese investigates possible Seelos miracle
One week after she began the novena at her parish, Heibel’s cancer disappeared. Gone were tumors in both lungs, her liver, back and sternum. When Dr. Michael Gibson, her doctor at Hopkins, called with the news, Heibel couldn’t believe it.
Pietro Canzi, St. Dominic parishioner, prays for brother’s canonization
“He was a good, good boy,” said Mr. Canzi, pausing to compose himself as his eyes moistened and his voice cracked. “I know he was a saint. I know his day will come.”
Taneytown parish embraces Catholic legacy
When Maryland Catholics faced religious persecution in the early 1700s, Taneytown was an area where many found refuge.
Cumberland remembers Bishop Walsh, its missionary hero
Twenty-seven years after his death, leaders of Bishop Walsh’s home parish are working to raise awareness about a man whose virtuous exploits seem less recognized with each passing decade.
Returning the favor: A statue of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton fulfills Arbutus mother’s promise
When a doctor told Judy Giangrandi that her 6-year-old son Steven had a 50 percent chance of surviving Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Mrs. Giangrandi wasn’t at all satisfied.