Church must be united but not uniform, say synod organizers April 21, 2023By Justin McLellan Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Synodality, World News Catholics gathered at the continental level say the Catholic Church must be united, not uniform, and embrace its many forms of expression throughout the world, said members of the synod preparatory commission after a weeklong meeting at the Vatican.
North American Catholics identify harm of polarization, bishop says April 13, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Synodality, Vatican, World News In their discussions about the life of the church and “synodality,” or walking together, Catholics in United States and Canada noted the negative impact “polarization” is having on the church, said Bishop Daniel E. Flores of Brownsville, Texas.
Synod’s ‘messy,’ ‘joyful’ North American phase concludes with call to mission, moves to Rome April 12, 2023By Gina Christian OSV News Filed Under: Feature, News, Synodality, World News The final document for the North American phase of the 2021-2024 Synod on Synodality was released April 12, capturing a process of dialogue and discernment that two participants described as ‘messy,’ ‘joyful’ and unifying — like the synod itself.
Commission focuses on ensuring synod will be prayerful experience March 17, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Synodality, Vatican, World News At the end of their first meeting, three members of the preparatory commission for the assembly of the Synod of Bishops said they know some Catholics have very high expectations for the process while others have intense anxiety.
A priesthood for all: Synodal church requires new look at ministry February 26, 2023By Justin McLellan Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Synodality, Vatican, Vocations, World News If the goal of a “synodal” church is to have all the baptized recognize their responsibility for the life and mission of the Catholic community, Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet said that necessarily means taking a new look at priesthood.
Synod process in North America coming to close, shows ‘deep love for Jesus Christ and church,’ says bishop February 22, 2023By Gina Christian OSV News Filed Under: Feature, News, Synodality, World News the North American Synod Team, led by bishops from Canada and the United States, wrapped up a weeklong retreat in Orlando, Fla., to synthesize the results of synod listening sessions throughout the two countries.
Partners in mission: Dicastery promotes ‘co-responsibility’ of clergy, laity February 15, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Synodality, Vatican, World News Laypeople have roles to play in the life of a parish, but priests, bishops and cardinals also need to recognize the way Catholic laity are bringing the Gospel to the world through their jobs, their family life, their volunteering and their social engagement.
Church tensions are not new or all bad, says Cardinal Hollerich January 25, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Ecumenism and Interfaith Relations, Feature, News, Synodality, World News Pope Francis did not need to launch listening sessions for the Synod of Bishops for people to discover there are tensions in the Catholic Church, said the cardinal serving as the synod’s relator general.
Pace of preparations is quickening as synod on synodality approaches November 17, 2022By Mark Pattison Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Synodality, U.S. Bishops Meeting - Fall 2022, World News Work is proceeding — and quickly — on next October’s synod on synodality, according to Bishop Daniel E. Flores of Brownsville, Texas, in a Nov. 15 report to his fellow bishops.
Synod reports show enthusiasm for mission, but also identify obstacles October 30, 2022By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Synodality, World News Catholics around the globe long to share the Gospel with a world in need, but they see situations and tensions within the church that challenge their ability to do so, said one of the drafters of the document for the continental phase of the Synod of Bishops.
Enlarge the tent: Synod document sees desire for greater inclusion October 29, 2022By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Synodality, World News Around the world, listening sessions for the Synod of Bishops gave many participants a sense of finally being listened to, but they also raised questions about how to promote greater inclusion in the Catholic Church while staying true to church teaching.
Pope announces a second session for Synod of Bishops assembly October 17, 2022By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Synodality, Vatican, World News Saying he did not want to rush the process of discerning how the Holy Spirit is calling the church to grow in “synodality,” Pope Francis announced that the next assembly of the Synod of Bishops would take place in two sessions.