Matt Birk is best known as the hardworking center who helped the Baltimore Ravens win a Superbowl in 2013. He’s also a devoted Catholic, father of eight and a champion of the pro-life cause.
Year of St. Joseph
Knights of Columbus inspire devotion to St. Joseph with new film
If St. Joseph had played football, Matt Birk is convinced he would have been an offensive lineman. Birk, himself a former center for the Baltimore Ravens, said the saint is all about protecting Mary and Jesus.
Pope closes Year of St. Joseph with marginalized young adults
Pope Francis closed the Year of St. Joseph with a private visit to a community in Rome that helps people experiencing marginalization, crisis or substance abuse.
Year of St. Joseph wraps up with lasting impact in Archdiocese of Baltimore
Pope Francis announced the Year of St. Joseph Dec. 8, 2020. Archbishop William E. Lori then designated 10 churches in the Archdiocese of Baltimore named for St. Joseph as official pilgrimage sites where people could pray, meditate and receive special plenary indulgences.
The lonely can find an ‘ally’ in St. Joseph, pope says at audience
As the guardian of Jesus and Mary, St. Joseph’s reassuring presence is an example for Christians who are called to care for the lonely and those who struggle in their lives, Pope Francis said.
On the road with Joseph in the Archdiocese of Baltimore
Early summer is a perfect time for the faithful to gain a plenary indulgence by taking a spiritual retreat to one of the destinations.
Cockeysville choir records musical tribute to ‘blessed’ namesake saint
Pope Francis’ apostolic letter and announcement of the Year of St. Joseph inspired Alvarado Flores, who wanted to create a song to venerate a saint for whom he holds special admiration.
Vatican approves new invocations for Litany of St. Joseph
Updating the Litany of St. Joseph, approved in 1909, the Vatican has added seven invocations, including two that address the guardian of Jesus and husband of Mary as “support in difficulty” and “patron of refugees.”
Celebrating St. Joseph the Worker – and all workers
The pandemic has drastically altered the way we work. More than a year ago, many workers abruptly began working in an online environment. That shift brought advantages, but also its share of anxieties and limitations, including the tensions and even traumas that many families experienced during the pandemic. Even so, in the intervening months, many […]
Baltimore-based Josephites, zealous promoters of devotion to St. Joseph, elated by year dedicated to the saint
“We’ve been waiting for this for a long time,” said Father Fest, a former longtime pastor of St. Veronica in the Cherry Hill section of Baltimore who now serves as pastor of St. Joseph in Alexandria, Va. “St. Joseph is finally getting his due.”
Ten Archdiocese of Baltimore churches designated pilgrimage sites during Year of St. Joseph
Archbishop William E. Lori has designated ten churches in the Archdiocese of Baltimore named for St. Joseph as official pilgrimage sites where people can pray and meditate during the Year of St. Joseph that runs through Dec. 8, 2021.
Archbishop Lori reflects on the Year of St. Joseph
St. Joseph’s example and intercession should encourage each of us to do our part in building up the household of the Church by a spirit of prayer, by a willing spirit of service, and by our witness to Christ.