RADIO INTERVIEW: The Year of the Eucharist June 7, 2021By Catholic Review Staff Catholic Review Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Eucharist, Feature, Local News, News, Radio Interview The Archdiocese of Baltimore launched a Year of the Eucharist on the feast of Corpus Christi, June 6, to help Catholics “Encounter Christ’s Presence” in the body and blood of Christ, in the congregation, in the Word of God and in the priest/celebrant. Christopher Gunty talks with Edward Herrera, executive director for the archdiocese’s Institute for Evangelization, about the key dates and goals for the year, and with Father Gerard Francik, pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Glyndon, about how his parish will implement the year and welcome people back to participation in the Mass and ministries. Listen to the full show below. CatholicReview · June 6, 2021 | Year of the Eucharist Also see Radio Interview: Finding hope in the midst of sorrow Radio Interview: Catholic Men’s Spirituality Radio Interview: St. Paul Street Evangelization Radio Interview: Incoming March for Life president looks at pro-life priorities Radio Interview: American politics and two-party dominance Radio Interview: A conversation with the Baltimore Ravens’ team chaplain Copyright © 2021 Catholic Review Media Print