Archbishop William E. Lori’s Charity in Truth Column
The great restoration
Just as an old car is most thoroughly restored when its body is removed from its frame, something like that happens when we die: our body and soul are separated until the resurrection of the dead.
Home-court advantage
To come home to ourselves, we need silence. We need to pray in secret. We need to be open, welcoming to God who wants to dwell in us. We need to trust that he knows us best, loves us most and gives us what we need.
Lent provides spiritual spring training
I’d like to offer another view of Lent: it is a time to ensure that our spiritual life is in top-notch coordination.
Putting faith into action
The family of the Church responded to them by striving to carry out the mission that Jesus entrusted to us.
How shall we continue?
Pope Francis wrote about encountering Christ and the joy of evangelizing, a church that goes forth, not hiding or shrinking from challenges, but embracing them in openness and love to all.
‘High Anxiety’
When we are worried about something specific, we do well to take it to prayer, to ask the Lord to help us discern the path forward, to show us with whom we should be working, and then we roll up our sleeves and address it.
A youthful church
World Youth Day was more than an antidote to the isolation and anger that are so much a part of today’s culture. It was an event, a moment in history, when Christ’s presence in the power of the Holy Spirit was experienced, an experience that happened precisely by coming together, by journeying together in trust and friendship.
Spiritual Exercise
A great act of charity is to accompany a person or family who is thinking of coming back to church.
Woman of the Eucharist
During the month of May, let us ask Mary, the Mother of the Church, to renew us in our belief and devotion to the mystery of the Eucharist.
On the brink
The redemptive act of Christ, done in obedience to the Father’s saving will, embraced the full range our triumphs, tragedies and sins.