As the lunch came to a close, she brought out the gender reveal cake. I have never been to a gender reveal party, but I love any reason to celebrate a new little one.
The people who bring Jesus to us
I smiled the whole way back to my seat. After Mass, we chatted about how wonderful it was that I had been able to receive the Eucharist from him. What an unexpected surprise and delight.
An Unforgettable Lesson
Children will forget things at home—the trumpet, the lunch, the math homework, or water bottle. Sometimes you can’t fix it. But sometimes you can—and you will.
Button up this Lent
The other day, I realized I was running ahead of schedule on my way to school pick-up, so I stopped for gas. I slid the pump into the side of the car and then took a quick walk around the car. Dozens of years ago, my father told me that was a good idea, so […]
What’s for dinner?
May Lent offer you the opportunity to experience Jesus’ love in a new way. And, as you walk your Lenten journey, know that this season can offer a time to grow closer to God without lentils – unless you personally happen to see them as a sign of Jesus’ love for you.
Question on a busy morning
I was rinsing dishes in the sink when my younger son—who’s 15—came into the kitchen. “So, what will it be like when we go to college?” he said. “Will you miss us?”
This little (broken) light of mine
Here comes Lent. God gives us this season not just to reflect on Jesus’ life, suffering, and sacrifice for us, but also to offer us a chance to lean on him, to walk with him, and to find ways to open ourselves up to his love.
Breakfast Casserole Time
Warm, hearty breakfasts are perfect for wintry days.
That First Communion Joy
Our twin nephews made their First Communion this weekend, and I was so excited for them.
Lunar New Year: This Year Takes the Snake (Cake)
The timing of the holiday is always just what I need—a festival that arrives in between the gap of the rejoicing of Christmas and the warmth and light of springtime. Here we are in the in-between times, celebrating with food and loved ones and fun.
Cherish the Time
“But I remember those wonderful days with my boys in the house,” she said. “Cherish that time.”
Ask for What You Need
Whatever is on your heart today, whether it seems insurmountable or insignificant, whether it’s for you or for someone you love, you can bring it to Jesus — directly or through his mother.