What a whirlwind Christmas is every year! When our children were younger, I felt more pressure to make sure Christmas was magical. Celebrating Christmas with teens means this season is still magical, but in a different way.
Twist! A Christmas resolution for this New Year’s
This Christmas season, let our New Year’s resolution be to celebrate Christmas a wee bit longer than 24 hours.
Radio Interview: The Incarnation and the Meaning of Christmas
What is the meaning of the Incarnation and the significance of Christmas? Catholic Review Editor Christopher Gunty talked with Father Tyler Kline about how we take the message of Christmas and apply it to our lives every day, not just during the Christmas season.
Pope’s Christmas message: Say ‘yes’ to the Prince of Peace, ‘no’ to war
Celebrating the birth of Jesus, the prince of peace, should mean making a commitment to opposing all war, to cherishing human life, feeding the hungry and speaking up for those who have no voice, Pope Francis said.
Maryland parish’s living Nativity offers reminder ‘the Lord still comes’
The Nativity — the gift of Jesus to the world on Christmas — was brought to life in a poignant way Dec. 24 during a living Nativity outside St. Camillus Church in Silver Spring.
‘Jesus, you take over,’ papal envoy cried out in Bethlehem amid wartime Christmas celebrations
Christmas in Bethlehem was celebratory but not as festive as usual this year, given the outbreak of war in the Holy Land two-and-a-half months ago.
At Christmas, God shows love through ‘littleness,’ not power, pope says
More than two millennia after the Holy Family was denied a room at the inn and Jesus was born in a manger, war once again renders his birthplace in the Holy Land inhospitable, Pope Francis said.
At Christmas, God shows love through ‘littleness,’ not power, pope says
More than two millennia after the Holy Family was denied a room at the inn and Jesus was born in a manger, war once again renders his birthplace in the Holy Land inhospitable, Pope Francis said.
Welcome Jesus into the manger of your heart, papal preacher says
The first step toward keeping Christ in Christmas is for Christians to make room for him in their hearts, the preacher of the papal household told Pope Francis and top Vatican officials.
Despite difficult Christmas season in Bethlehem devoid of tourists, local Christians have hope
Now, the streets of Bethlehem — normally filled with pilgrims at this time of the year — are empty, and many stores and restaurants dependent on tourism are closed.
Good, hidden deeds are a service to the church, pope tells employees
Like God’s decision to be born in a manger tucked away from the world, good deeds done in silence can express God’s love wherever they are performed, Pope Francis said.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul groups’ personal charity shows neighbors ‘this is Christmas’
A dedicated group of Catholic — and non-Catholic — volunteers is showing how the Christmas joy of helping the less fortunate lasts all year round.