There are no strict right or wrong answers as to when a Catholic should put up or take down a Christmas tree.
Vatican Nativity scene to honor 800th anniversary of St. Francis’ creche
On the 800th anniversary of St. Francis of Assisi setting up the first Nativity scene, the creche in St. Peter’s Square in 2023 will come from the Diocese of Rieti, Italy, and pay tribute to the scene set up in the diocese in 1223.
The Holy Family holds lessons for all of us about how to pray, how to trust in God and live in love.
Continue contemplating the mystery of Christmas, pope urges
The birth of Jesus in a stable “shows us God’s ‘style,’ which is closeness, compassion, and tenderness,” Pope Francis told visitors and pilgrims at his weekly general audience.
Priest weathers Christmas blizzard on fireboat celebrating Mass for two
In the midst of the multiday blizzard that paralyzed parts of western New York, Father Seil, chaplain for the Buffalo Fire Department, had to evacuate the rectory at his parish in the city’s Old First Ward neighborhood on Christmas Eve, then spent the night aboard the department’s fire boat and celebrated a short Mass Christmas morning for crewman Jack Kelleher.
Parishioners at Ss. Philip and James weather cold snap with Christmas spirit
Parishes throughout the archdiocese faced some unusual challenges with temperatures in the teens and wind-chill temperatures in the single digits during Christmas weekend.
Ukrainian archbishop urges people to celebrate Christmas even amid war
Intermittent electricity and air raid sirens cannot and should not stop Ukrainians from celebrating the birth of Jesus, said Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk of Kyiv-Halych, head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church.
Jesus’ birth is not ‘fairy tale,’ but call to live the Gospel, pope says
The day after Christmas the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr, which emphasizes how the story of Jesus’ birth is not a “fairy tale,” but a call to live as witnesses of the Gospel, Pope Francis said.
Toward eternity
We can see the passing years and decades as simply growing older. Or we can see the passing years and decades as growing toward eternity.
Listen to the cries of the newborn Prince of Peace, pope says on Christmas
With the birth of Jesus, God became flesh to share the joys and sorrows, hopes and fears of all people, especially the poor and those living daily amid danger, Pope Francis said in his Christmas message.
Bring hope to others, justice for the poor, pope says at Christmas Mass
Christ was born to touch people’s hearts and show that love is the power that changes the course of history, Pope Francis said.
‘Silent Night’ put town on map; chapel memorializing carol draws tourists
The Christmas song “Stille Nacht” (“Silent Night”) may have put the town of Oberndorf, Austria, on the map, but it’s the chapel memorializing the beloved carol that is the town’s main attraction.