There’s a better way to respond to immigration September 22, 2022By Father Eugene Hemrick Catholic News Service Filed Under: Commentary, Feature, Guest Commentary, Immigration and Migration Protecting the body and soul of immigrants and especially their religious faith is still the best means for overcoming daunting hurdles.
Saying ‘yes’ requires enormous leap of faith September 20, 2022By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Feature, The Domestic Church Life is better taken a step at a time, navigating it as it comes, rather than worrying about what tomorrow might bring.
Just a Hamper September 19, 2022By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window We just got rid of our old hamper. It was just a hamper.
Mini-waffles and other fun during our back-to-school scramble (7 Quick Takes) September 18, 2022By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window The other day, I went to the store to make a very practical, necessary purchase, and on my way to the register, I saw a mini waffle maker.
Making time to make jam September 15, 2022By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window This has been the bumpiest school start that I can remember. I keep saying we will find our rhythm—and we will. But we are going to miss the bus a few more times before we do.
Power of prayer can pull you out of low-power mode September 15, 2022By Robyn Barberry Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Unconditional Conserve your power to empower yourself and empower our Lord.
Christ’s way will bring us to truth September 15, 2022By Mary Marrocco Catholic News Service Filed Under: Commentary, Guest Commentary Jesus shows us we’re like lamps, meant to be lighted, to be seen, and to help others see the light.
Expanding the circle of protection September 12, 2022By Greg Erlandson Catholic News Service Filed Under: Commentary, Feature, Guest Commentary, Respect Life Some Catholics may oppose the death penalty but are just fine with abortion, while others proudly declare that life is sacred but support the warehousing and execution of prisoners.
Always choose love over complaints September 12, 2022By Father Joseph Breighner Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Seniors, Wit & Wisdom Because I realize that talking about my ailments only increases my awareness of them, I am practicing suffering in silence more and more.
Late-summer crabs, a bathroom renovation, and Back to School Night (7 Quick Takes) September 10, 2022By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window When I was growing up, my family had steamed crabs very rarely—usually when out-of-town relatives were visiting. My husband spent more time near the water, so he had them more often.
Invite Jesus to center of lives when in eye of storm September 8, 2022By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Commentary It is better to be at the center of the storm than to be on its edges, where we are likely to be blown away.
It’s been over a year since I last posted here. Let me tell you why. September 6, 2022By Robyn Barberry Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Unconditional Sometimes I imagine the Holy Spirit as a butterfly sitting on my shoulder, brushing my cheeks with its wings, whispering softly in my ear.