Rise and shine and pass out the animal crackers July 11, 2022By Rita Buettner Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Feature, The Domestic Church We shared the Catholic faith with youngsters and learned how to capture their attention and help bring Bible stories to life.
Skating through life July 6, 2022By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window I walked to the counter and paid to rent a pair of skates and put them on.
Baltimore’s strongman July 5, 2022By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Amen, Amen Matysek Commentary, Arts & Culture, Commentary, Feature Antone Matysek’s most-famous stunt, which he performed on the Vaudeville stage, was hoisting three men over his head with one arm as they pedaled vainly on a custom-made bicycle outfitted with added weights.
Pretzels, treats and reflections during a staycation (7 Quick Takes) July 2, 2022By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window I took this past week off from work for a sort of staycation with my boys.
When life gives you lemons, serve ice cream cake July 1, 2022By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window Sometimes when life gives you lemons, you push them down the garbage disposal and make your own fun.
What would the baby choose? July 1, 2022By Father Joseph Breighner Filed Under: Commentary, Feature, Respect Life, Wit & Wisdom We want to be pro-life. We want to be pro-kindness!
The Tale of a Trumpet June 28, 2022By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window One of the most wonderful gifts of being a parent is watching your children discover their passions and then pour themselves into them.
Roe and the legacy of abortion June 27, 2022By Richard Doerflinger Catholic Review Filed Under: A More Human Society, Commentary, Guest Commentary, Respect Life Ruth did not send “Ruth Sent Us.” But she and Antonin could send us to seek common ground in helping children and their mothers.
How we live our lives on and offline June 23, 2022By Elise Italiano Ureneck Catholic News Service Filed Under: Commentary, Feature, Guest Commentary Even though ours is a world focused on “living our truths” and “living our authentic selves,” it has become a world of performance.
Who’s ready for a summer party? June 22, 2022By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window Outdoor parties are one of my favorite things to come out of the pandemic.
A compassionate ‘yes’ to life June 22, 2022By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Commentary, Feature, Respect Life Let us band together in building a culture of life. And may the prayers of Mary, the Mother of our Savior, accompany us every step of the way.
Prayer is the first resort June 21, 2022By Father Joseph Breighner Filed Under: Commentary, Feature, Wit & Wisdom The rosary offers us the chance to pray as we go.