A sleepover phone call, Year of the Dog festivities, a birthday party venue change, and a surprise autograph (7 Quick Takes) February 23, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window I realized I’m a very uneven party thrower. I go way over the top ordering stickers to make Hershey kisses into Dog kisses, but I don’t start food prep for the party until about an hour before guests arrive.
Easy ways to celebrate Chinese New Year, homework issues, a road trip, and the Statue of Liberty February 15, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Today we start the Year of the Dog, which is somehow much more exciting than the rooster or the goat. We are all quite excited about it.
Praying our way through Lent: A basket of prayer intentions February 12, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window It’s such a simple thing. It’s not particularly creative. And the intentions are spilling over onto our table.
Looking for God’s love: When Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine’s Day February 10, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Those signs of love, and Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice and expression of love, tell us even more about the Giver and our relationship with Him than the paper valentines my sons will sign and deliver.
Chinese New Year, electricity problems, sewing bunnies, the soup of the day, and a recent brush with fame (7 Quick Takes) February 9, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window My favorite holiday is next week—Chinese New Year!
Finding a new focus this Lent February 8, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Sometimes it takes a child to remind you of the challenges God places before us, the ways He wants us to refine ourselves more and more so we can be all He wants us to be in this world.
Bread and butter and memories February 7, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Every time I spread butter on bread, I stop and think of our friend, Father Tom.
Fresh chocolate chip cookies, Groundhog Day, potato peeling, fun at the office, and more (7 Quick Takes) February 1, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Last weekend when I made chocolate chip cookies, I made a big double batch and ended up with way too many.
Celebrating the small victories of an ordinary workday January 29, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window In life, it’s the little moments that add up to the big ones. The small wins become the larger ones.
Afternoon tea, 5 things you might not know about me, Pokemon tournaments, and more (7 Quick Takes) January 25, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window I spontaneously invited friends to come for afternoon tea, and we had such a wonderful time.
Thank you, God, for the usual January 24, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Every morning when I ask, “What would you like for breakfast today?” our fourth grader says, “The usual.”
How to cut an onion without tears, that art app, snow days, and growing crystals (7 Quick Takes) January 19, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window For years and years I have cried while cutting onions.