Oh, I want pugs for Christmas. Oh, only pugs will do. January 6, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window This Christmas season as we were making paper towel snowmen and paper towel nativity figures to give as presents, I had an idea for a gift for a friend and her family.
It’s cold outside, preparing for Epiphany, great Christmas gifts, and a happy New Year (7 Quick Takes) January 4, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window If the wind chill is 5 degrees on Thursday, how many cups of hot chocolate will Judy need when the wind chill is 15 degrees below zero on Friday?
Matched through adoption: The first time we saw our son’s picture January 3, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window, Uncategorized I knew then that what I had heard other adoptive parents say was true. You can fall in love with a photo.
A New Year’s Resolution: Giving others the benefit of the doubt January 2, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window As I encounter people in my daily life—whether those who are close to me or those who are strangers—I am going to try to assume that they are acting with good intentions and their best understanding of situations.
Have yourself a merry little pot-luck December 30, 2017By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window There are holiday gatherings, and then there are holiday gatherings with wonderful punny themes.
Red-nosed root beer, Star Wars without spoilers, and a few Christmas leftovers (7 Quick Takes) December 28, 2017By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window My sister Treasa is helping my dreams of a Christmas-carol-themed potluck come true, serving “Jingle Balls” meatballs, “Frosty the Salmon” salad, “We Three Wings,” and asking me to bring “Feliz Navi-dip.”
Counting down to Christmas, snowmen, skewers, scarves, and an adoption trip memory (7 Quick Takes) December 21, 2017By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Before I was a mother, I thought Christmas countdowns were cute and decorative and fun. Now I think they exist so parents can direct their children to the nearest countdown feature.
Tidings of comfort and joy December 19, 2017By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window This week we are lighting the pink candle on our Advent wreath as we say, “Gaudete!”
Eight is great, Christmas gifts, ping-pong in the dining room, a trumpet concert, and Ramen Around the Christmas Tree (7 Quick Takes) December 14, 2017By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window I’m big on celebrating birthdays, but Daniel challenges even me to appreciate the awesomeness of birthdays.
A little snow and a big idea December 11, 2017By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window He couldn’t wait to bring that snowman to life.
Ready or not, here comes God’s grace December 9, 2017By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Divine Worship, Feature, Open Window In the case of First Reconciliation, we just need to do the very best we can to prepare our children and trust that God will take care of the rest.
Do you want to build a paper towel snowman, helpers with the Christmas cards, and more (7 Quick Takes) December 8, 2017By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window A few years ago Daniel and I started making paper towel snowmen to give to people at Christmas.