Gov. Kristi Noem, R-S.D., signed into law legislation proponents call a medical education bill that directs South Dakota’s Department of Health to create a video explaining the state’s abortion regulations for health care professionals and the general public.
Respect Life
Down syndrome advocates call for Catholics to help parents embrace ‘dreams, not fears’
If there can be said to be a vanishing population in the United States, one demographic immediately stands out: people living with Down syndrome.
Spending bill grants PEPFAR one-year extension
The U.S. government’s global effort to combat HIV/AIDS was granted a one-year extension in the government funding package Congress is expected to approve, ending an impasse over the program’s reauthorization — for now.
Abortions soar to highest number in over a decade post Dobbs, study finds
A recent study from the Guttmacher Institute, an organization that supports abortion access, found that the number of abortions in 2023 has increased to the highest number and rate in the United States in over a decade.
Question Corner: Why isn’t a pro-life petition part of the Prayer of the Faithful for every Mass?
In more typical parish settings, perhaps the pro-life intention might be “hidden” and implicit rather than explicit and obvious in a given intercession.
French bishops call for standing in solidarity with the elderly, rather than choosing death
France’s bishops issued a joint statement March 19 in response to a draft law on “aid in dying” that French President Emmanuel Macron announced March 10 as a “law of fraternity.”
National Guard member joins MCC as respect life director
As the new associate director for Respect Life Advocacy at the Maryland Catholic Conference, Diane Arias has jumped with both feet into the legislative session that began in January.
U.S. bishops urge prayer as high court poised to hear cases on pill used in abortion
As the Supreme Court prepares to take up two cases on access to pills commonly used for early abortions, U.S. Catholic bishops have issued a nationwide call to prayer to end abortion and protect women and unborn children.
Pro-life group deplores Harris’ historic visit to Planned Parenthood abortion clinic
Vice President Kamala Harris on March 14 toured a Minnesota abortion clinic, marking the first time that a president or vice president has done so, according to Harris’ office.
Body of preterm baby found in Virginia pond prompts prayers, resource reminders
Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington, Va., expressed “great sorrow” after the body of an unborn baby was found in a pond in Leesburg, Virginia, on March 11. He called on the faithful to pray for everyone involved in the incident, offered burial services and also drew attention to the resources the diocese offers to women in crisis pregnancies.
People touched by adoption look to St. Joseph in national novena
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is offering a March 10-18 novena to the foster father of Jesus, ahead of the saint’s March 19 feast day.
Marchers at Maryland March for Life call for defeat of constitutional amendment
Many of the pro-life supporters who attended the 45th annual Maryland March for Life in Annapolis March 11 know they are in for a difficult fight come November.