In English El Obispo Auxiliar Emérito Denis J. Madden dejará de servir como Vicario Urbano en la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore a partir del 1 de octubre, según una carta publicada por el Arzobispo William E. Lori el 31 de agosto. El Obispo Auxiliar Bruce Lewandowski, C.Ss.R., pasará a ser el nuevo Vicario Urbano mientras continúa […]
Urban Vicariate
Bishop Madden will step down as urban vicar, Bishop Lewandowski to succeed him
Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus Denis J. Madden will step down from his role as urban vicar for the Archdiocese of Baltimore effective Oct. 1. Auxiliary Bishop Bruce Lewandowski, C.Ss.R., will become the new urban vicar while continuing his work as episcopal vicar for Hispanic Catholics.
Expanding Father Watters’ vision, St. Ignatius Parish will add grades to pre-school
The Jesuit footprint on local education expanded Aug. 19, with the announcement that the Loyola Early Learning Center, an initiative of St. Ignatius Parish in Baltimore and the Jesuit USA East Province, will open a kindergarten in September, with plans to grow into a PreK-Grade 4 school serving low-income children.
Mask mandate returning to Baltimore City parishes; Catholic Charities will require employees to be vaccinated
In response to Baltimore City resuming the mandate, the Archdiocese of Baltimore announced that parishes in the city will require Mass attendees, all religious staff and visitors to wear COVID-19 masks while indoors on parish campuses.
Baltimore Catholics pray for homeless man whose skull was fractured in attack
A homeless man befriended by Catholic urban missionaries suffered serious injuries when his skull was fractured in an attack late July 12 or early July 13.
In Baltimore, Father Kim helped create America’s first official Korean parish
Father Kim, 74, retired July 1 and celebrated his last Mass at Holy Korean Martyrs on the Fourth of July weekend, when he formally said goodbye to the congregation of about 400 families where he had been the only pastor.
Beauty Resurrected: St. Leo the Great puts murals in new, improved light
St. Leo the Great in Little Italy is unsure when it will again be able to host one of its traditional street festivals. When it does, however, visitors will be able take in the majestic imagery of the “Glorification of the Canonization of St. Leo the Great” and adjacent murals that have been restored in its apse.
At police reform forum, Archbishop Lori explains why Catholics must embrace racial justice
Archbishop William E. Lori spoke forcefully in favor of police reform, addressing head-on why the Archdiocese of Baltimore has taken such an active role in supporting recent demonstrations on policing and racial justice.
‘An enduring symbol of God’ returns to the Baltimore skyline
After months of repairs and thousands of dollars in donations from parishioners, Baltimore’s St. Mary, Star of the Sea will shine again.
Bon Secours Names Harry Spikes executive director of Bon Secours Community Works
Bon Secours has named Harry Spikes as executive director of Bon Secours Community Works, effective Sept. 14.
Bishop Madden among leaders concerned about rising gun violence, need for ‘commonsense’ gun laws
“I don’t believe that requiring gun registration and background checks is infringing on someone’s liberties,” Bishop Madden told CNS. “Some of the language hurled in these debates is disturbing to me, because it seems to discount the value of the lives lost to gun violence.”
Baltimore parish spearheads ongoing racial justice rallies
“People say, ‘Well, you know, all lives matter.’ All lives do matter, but all lives will really matter when Black lives matter,” Father Muth said. “We need to be able to keep this up because it’s been such a long time of Black lives not mattering in a lot of different ways.”