Priests, seminarians, laity to gather May 16 at international symposium on priesthood in Washington May 11, 2023By Father Patrick Briscoe OSV News Filed Under: Feature, News, Vocations, World News A gathering for American theologians, priests, seminarians and laity will be held May 16 at The Catholic University of America in Washington.
D.C.’s Cardinal Gregory marks 50th anniversary as priest May 10, 2023By Mark Zimmermann OSV News Filed Under: Feature, News, Vocations, World News Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory of Washington and eight other priests ordained with him in the Chicago area 50 years ago concelebrated a special Mass at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington May 9 to mark their shared anniversary of priestly ordination.
RADIO INTERVIEW: V8s for Vocations May 8, 2023By Catholic Review Staff Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Radio Interview, Vocations Catholic Review Editor Christopher Gunty talks with Father Matthew Keller, the car buff who founded V8s for Vocations, about the impetus for the program and this year’s raffle prize car, a 1957 Chevy.
Silence, prayer and a long tradition of faith nurture Black Catholic vocations, says religious sister April 29, 2023By Gina Christian OSV News Filed Under: Black Catholic Ministry, Feature, News, Racial Justice, Vocations, World News Black Catholic religious vocations emerge from a long tradition of faith, nurtured by silence and prayer within the life of the church, said a religious sister at an event dedicated to those vocations.
Educational diversity, Eucharistic devotion are strong features of 2023 class of new priests, report says April 26, 2023By Gina Christian OSV News Filed Under: Feature, News, Vocations, World News Ahead of an annual day of prayer for vocations, a newly released report shows what one researcher called greater “consistency of age,” more diverse educational backgrounds and a commitment to Eucharistic adoration among men preparing for priestly ordination.
Nuns, monks are ‘beating heart’ of the church, pope says April 26, 2023By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, Vocations, World News As part of his series of talks about “zeal” for evangelization, Pope Francis spoke about nuns and monks.
Every Christian has a vocation to share God’s love, pope says April 26, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, Vocations, World News “The Lord’s call is grace, complete gift and at the same time a commitment to bring the Gospel to others,” the pope wrote in his message for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations.
RADIO INTERVIEW: From Medical School to the Seminary April 24, 2023By Catholic Review Staff Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Radio Interview, Vocations Joining us to talk about his vocational journey is Michael Misulia, a parishioner of St. Peter the Apostle in Libertytown, who left medical school to enter the seminary.
Power of prayer works for vocations April 24, 2023By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Amen, Amen Matysek Commentary, Commentary, Vocations If you’re skeptical about the power of prayer in fostering religious vocations, consider the extraordinary example of Elizabeth Louisa Rolls Vaughan.
Trusted relationships with priests key to fostering vocations, study says March 9, 2023By Gina Christian OSV News Filed Under: Feature, News, Vocations, World News A new study cites trusted relationships with parish priests as a deciding factor in cultivating vocations and reducing the priest-to-parishioner ratio as essential for making such encounters possible.
A priesthood for all: Synodal church requires new look at ministry February 26, 2023By Justin McLellan Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Synodality, Vatican, Vocations, World News If the goal of a “synodal” church is to have all the baptized recognize their responsibility for the life and mission of the Catholic community, Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet said that necessarily means taking a new look at priesthood.
Seminarians bond over hoops, but off court meals, prayer, Mass offer fellowship too February 25, 2023By Jay Copp OSV News Filed Under: Feature, News, Sports, Vocations, World News In its third year, the De Sales Invitational basketball tournament brought together 150 seminarians for three days in late February.