Deacon John Bilenki brings familial approach to ministry June 16, 2023By Gerry Jackson Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, New Priests 2023, News, Vocations Note: Archbishop William E. Lori will ordain eight men to the priesthood June 24 at 10 a.m. at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland. The following is a profile of one of those future priests. New profiles of the other new priests will be added to the Catholic Review site daily from June 15 to June 22. Click here to read them. Deacon John Bilenki always has looked upon family as a blessing, and it’s the familial aspects of prayer and the church that are at the forefront of the seminarian’s thoughts as he prepares for life as a priest in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Deacon John Bilenki takes in the moment during his transitional deacon ordination May 21, 2022 at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland. (Kevin J. Parks/CR Staff) “We have a lot of ways of speaking about the church as the Body of Christ,” the 28-year-old Mount St. Joseph graduate said. “It’s our home and our family. I look forward to being a part of that family and being united in prayer.” Family and prayer have been central parts of Bilenki’s life thanks to his parents, Anthony and Mary Ellen. Their example and the example of his three brothers – Matthew, 40; Brian, 37; and Benjamin, 32 – are what inspired Deacon Bilenki to seek a deeper relationship with God and eventually led to his desire for the priesthood. “From my home life, faith has always been very present,” said Deacon Bilenki, a parishioner of St. Alphonsus in Woodstock. “The witness of my parents and the gift of them putting my brothers and me through Catholic schools was very important. I realized through their devotion and generosity what a real sacrament marriage was.” Deacon Bilenki noted that his three older siblings are also now all happily married. “Ironically, my relationship with my brothers played a big part in my discernment to the priesthood because they have always been so supportive,” he said. “They are such great role models raising their own families. Growing up, it seemed like naturally I would pursue the same kind of life. But my family’s faith is what drove me to grow deeper in my faith.” Deacon Bilenki said his search for a deeper meaning and closer relationship with God also was nourished through friends at Mount St. Joseph and then at Mount St. Mary’s University. Many of those friends have gone on to married life, but Deacon Bilenki chose his own path – one that was inspired in no small part by an internship in the vocations department at the Archdiocese of Baltimore. “I got to witness firsthand the joy and peace that the priests I worked with had in their ministry,” Bilenki said. He said Fathers Michael DeAscanis, Steven Roth, Brian Nolan, Erik Arnold and John Rapisarda all played important roles in his formation. “I’m excited to work in a parish and serve both the young and old,” Bilenki said. After attending seminary at St. Mary’s in Roland Park, Deacon Bilenki has been studying at the Pontifical North American College in Rome. He will return from Rome for his ordination and then go back to Italy in September to finish one more year of schooling. Whatever form his service takes when he returns it likely will include music. Deacon Bilenki is a singer, guitar player and pianist. “It will be tough to leave Rome,” said Deacon Bilenki, who plays volleyball and hikes during his downtime. “But my heart is set on being back in Baltimore.” He doesn’t know what his future holds once he completes his studies, but whatever it is, he plans to minister with enthusiasm. “I want to bring that joy and peace to people through the sacraments,” he said. “We are nourished and fed by the Eucharist. It’s all about uniting the people of God and building up the Kingdom.” Email Gerry Jackson at Read More Vocations Regnum Christi announces Vatican approval of its statutes Pope prays for church that accompanies young people in discernment Consecrated life is ‘a call to remember Jesus at every moment,’ says expert Pope calls on Valencia seminarians to bring hope to devastated region Archbishop Lori dedicates McGivney House of Formation Pope: Women religious are not servants; they serve the poor, outcasts Copyright © 2023 Catholic Review Media Print