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Gov. O’Malley speaks to Catholic educators at mansion
ANNAPOLIS – Standing inside the governor’s mansion he has occupied for less than three weeks, Gov. Martin J. O’Malley told a group of Catholic educators he never would have pursued a career in public service were it not for his own Catholic education. Glancing at some 30 Catholic schoolteachers and administrators, including Sister Columbkill O’Connor, […]
Death penalty ban gains momentum in Maryland
After many years of failed attempts to repeal the death penalty in Maryland, abolitionists are closer than ever to passing a ban on capital punishment now that Gov. Martin J. O’Malley has promised to sign repeal legislation.
Vandal attacks Timonium Nativity set
Mrs. Hoffman said she forgives the person or persons who vandalized her property. Her husband had planned to continue lighting the toppled figures to remind neighbors that Christianity is “under attack.”
Basilica windows sparkle in new home
On a recent sunny afternoon, the stained glass windows at St. Louis in Clarksville sparkled with a radiance few could have imagined when they stood in their original home at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore. Illuminated by the mid-day sun, brilliant shades of cobalt blue, deep purples and fiery reds seemed to leap from the glass and command a visitor’s gaze.
Manchester Masterpiece: Bishop Malooly dedicates new church for St. Bartholomew
After more than four decades of waiting, parishioners of St. Bartholomew in Manchester rejoiced in the opening of their much-anticipated new church when Bishop W. Francis Malooly, western vicar, led a jubilant dedication liturgy Dec. 16.
Good Shepherd Sisters devote lives to prayer, helping women
In a fast-paced age of cell phones, digital television and rampant consumerism, seven Contemplative Sisters of the Good Shepherd live quite different lives at their Baltimore convent.
Ranger rosaries in short supply for U.S. soldiers
What Pat Evans calls the “most powerful weapon” American servicemen could ever carry is failing to make its way into the hands of many military men and women in Iraq.
Priest struggles with Orioles-Nationals rivalry
For someone who grew up across the street from Memorial Stadium and who spent his summers trying to emulate Brooks Robinson at third base, Monsignor Michael Fisher must be stuck in a kind of baseball purgatory.
‘Cathedral of the south:’ Cardinal Keeler dedicates 1,200-seat church for St. Louis, Clarksville
“People want their churches to lift their spirits,” Monsignor Luca said. “This church does that.”
Friends, family celebrate Cardinal Keeler’s priestly ministry
Following the joyful celebration of Cardinal William H. Keeler’s 50th anniversary as a priest Oct. 5, many of the cardinal’s friends and family crowded into white tents erected on the parish lawn of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland to greet Cardinal Keeler personally and celebrate his decades of devoted ministry.