Rosary Congress is powerful opportunity for prayer and renewal September 12, 2017By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Worship & Sacraments People throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore will renew their commitment to prayer and the message of Fatima during the archdiocese’s first-ever Our Lady of Fatima Rosary Congress.
Archbishop Lori calls line of questioning of judicial nominee ‘deeply disappointing’ September 8, 2017By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Religious Freedom “These comments are a reminder that we must remain vigilant against latent bigotries that may still infect our national soul,” Archbishop William E. Lori said.
Sister Mary Neil Corcoran, ‘heart, soul and spirit’ of Esperanza Center, dies at 91 August 24, 2017By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Feature, Hispanic Ministry, Local News, News, Obituaries Mercy Sister Mary Neil Corcoran touched the lives of thousands of immigrants through her work in Hispanic ministries and the Hispanic Apostolate in Baltimore.
All in the family: Siblings, fathers and sons celebrate ordained ministry August 22, 2017By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Vocations Father Michael Carrion and his brother, Father Patrick Carrion, are marking a combined 75 years in the priesthood. They hosted an Aug. 21 celebration of clergy vocations in families for other brothers, fathers and sons throughout the archdiocese.
Bishop DiLorenzo “cheerfully did whatever the church asked of him,” Archbishop Lori says August 18, 2017By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Local News, News, Obituaries, World News Archbishop William E. Lori remembered Richmond Bishop Francis Xavier DiLorenzo as a “good moral theologian,” an “excellent seminary rector” and a bishop who “cheerfully did whatever the church asked of him.”
‘The World Needs Heroes’ August 14, 2017By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Blog, Saints, The Narthex, Vocations, Young Adult Ministry, Youth Ministry If we start sharing stories of heroic virtue and courage, we are bound to inspire religious vocations.
Young adults invited to rekindle faith at Washington event July 10, 2017By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Campus Ministry, Eastern Vicariate, Local News, News, Young Adult Ministry Young adults looking to rekindle their faith, draw inspiration or have a chance to meet others searching for deeper meaning in life are invited to attend a major gathering of young adults and young families set for July 22 in Washington, D.C.
Convocation delegates return to Baltimore energized for missionary discipleship July 6, 2017By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Faith Formation, Feature, Local News, Ministry, News, Pastoral Planning, Video Several delegates to a historic July 1-4 gathering of nearly 3,500 Catholic leaders from across the country said they returned to the Archdiocese of Baltimore with a renewed commitment to helping people of every background develop a deeper relationship with Christ.
Sister Mary Alice Chineworth, trailblazing religious sister, dies June 29, 2017By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Black Catholic Ministry, Local News, News, Obituaries, Urban Vicariate Sister Mary Alice Chineworth, a former superior general of the Baltimore-based Oblate Sisters of Providence who overcame racial discrimination in her pursuit of a religious vocation, died June 21. She was three weeks shy of her 100th birthday.
Funeral arrangements for Bishop Newman announced May 23, 2017By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Local News, News A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered May 29 at 11 a.m. at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland.
Amen: Love and sex in a poisonous culture April 11, 2017By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Amen, Amen Matysek Commentary, Campus Ministry, Commentary, Marriage & Family Life, Young Adult Ministry “People really want to be challenged to be better than even they think they can be,” Father Matthew Buening said.
Cardinal Keeler entombed in basilica undercroft March 28, 2017By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Baltimore Basilica, Local News, News, Obituaries “There’s no more appropriate place for the cardinal to be buried than this place he truly, truly loved with all his heart,” said Father Gilbert Seitz.