Question Corner: Images of Mary/ Attend daughter’s wedding? July 6, 2017By Father Kenneth Doyle Filed Under: Commentary, Question Corner Father Doyle answers questions about images of Mary and attending the wedding of a child who doesn’t want to get married in the Catholic Church.
Conversation and a cup of tea July 3, 2017By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Commentary, The Domestic Church When I mention my sister’s baby girl, her eyes light up with pleasure. A few minutes later when she asks about my sister, she is surprised – and ecstatic – to hear that she has a baby.
A painful, necessary reminder July 3, 2017By Archbishop William E. Lori Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Commentary, From the Archbishop While “The Keepers” does not accurately reflect the actions of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, it does highlight what is most important to me for the victims of Joseph Maskell and that is their own personal healing.
A Bride and Groom; The Bride and The Groom June 29, 2017By Bishop Robert Barron Filed Under: Commentary, Marriage & Family Life, Word on Fire It is a peculiarity of Catholic theology that a couple exchanging vows at their wedding Mass do not so much receive a sacrament as they become a sacrament.
Love over hate June 26, 2017By Father Joseph Breighner Filed Under: Commentary, Wit & Wisdom Evangelization doesn’t simply mean getting someone to join our faith or our church. Evangelization is helping people to have such a relationship with Jesus that love becomes the heart of our lives.
Amen: Graduates introduced to greatness at Seton Keough June 22, 2017By Erik Zygmont Filed Under: Amen, Commentary While Seton Keough has closed, Benton, Graves and Dambita – as well as their classmates and underclassmen – will keep the school’s spirit alive.
Question Corner: No heaven?/A vengeful God? June 20, 2017By Father Kenneth Doyle Filed Under: Commentary, Question Corner Is heaven a physical place? Is God vengeful? These are some of the questions Father Kenneth Doyle takes on in this edition of “Question Corner.”
Way beyond the New Atheist nonsense June 15, 2017By George Weigel Filed Under: Commentary, The Catholic Difference The Bible teaches that God impressed his intelligibility onto the world through creation by the Word.
This vacation, listen for God June 15, 2017By Father Joseph Breighner Filed Under: Commentary, Wit & Wisdom When we have all the time in the world – namely on vacation – we seem to make even less time for God. May I make a couple of simple prayer suggestions for the summer (or, for that matter, any time).
Kathy Griffin and the vanishing of argument June 13, 2017By Bishop Robert Barron Filed Under: Commentary, Word on Fire when there is no truth, there can be no argument, for argument depends upon a shared appeal to certain epistemic and ethical values.
Question Corner: Cellphones revisited/ Priest in mortal sin June 13, 2017By Father Kenneth Doyle Filed Under: Commentary, Question Corner Father Doyle answers questions about cellphone use in church and the validity of sacraments performed by priests in a state of mortal sin.
Amen: On a humble man, and famous last words June 8, 2017By Erik Zygmont Filed Under: Amen, Commentary, Urban Vicariate, Vocations As a priest, Monsignor Bastress was in fact enlisted to act “in persona Christi” – in the person of Christ – throughout various aspects of his ministry.