Question Corner: Does an obligation to attend Mass on Ascension Thursday include those traveling outside the diocese? May 15, 2024By Jenna Marie Cooper OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Question Corner The holy days of obligation you are actually bound to observe as a Catholic depend on what your local bishops’ conference (the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in the United States) has decided to do.
A Eucharistic Word: Christification May 15, 2024By Michael R. Heinlein OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Eucharist The fruits of the Eucharist are many. They bring about a unity in diversity, wherein each member of the body — responding to grace — can live unique and compelling eucharistic lives. The list is long, but I’m inclined to think St. Paul should be at its top.
An Emmaus moment: The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage May 14, 2024By Chenele Shaw OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Eucharist This pilgrimage, set to commence the weekend of May 17-19, Pentecost Sunday, is not just an event but a profound journey of faith, community and spiritual transformation.
Hope in a wounded church May 13, 2024By Teresa Pitt Green OSV News Filed Under: Child & Youth Protection, Commentary It is in this relationship we are safe and drawn to new life apart from the ravages of sin and evil.
A basket of flowers May 13, 2024By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, The Domestic Church God always provides what we need. He gives us the strength and the creativity and even the companions to handle those surprise situations – and even at the most difficult times, he accompanies us.
Let’s Keep the Faith May 11, 2024By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window Those questions were echoing in my mind as I watched children walking back to their seats after receiving Communion. They were beaming, full of light and love and hope and sacramental grace.
Why listening is key for the future of pro-life movement May 9, 2024By Grattan Brown OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Respect Life Pro-lifers and pro-choicers both can miss the full experience of unexpected pregnancy and abortion and fail to see that post-abortive women are so much more than their singular decision to have an abortion.
Union with God in ‘The Living Flame of Love’ May 9, 2024By Lauretta Brown OSV News Filed Under: Commentary “The Living Flame of Love” is a poem written by the 16th-century Spanish mystic with beautiful, fiery imagery to describe a soul’s perfect union with God. St. John wrote both the poem and a commentary on it for Doña Ana de Peñalosa, a widow who went to him for spiritual direction in Granada.
Ascension, Assumption: What’s the difference? May 9, 2024By Catherine Odell OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Worship & Sacraments What’s the Ascension? What’s the Assumption? What’s the difference? The meaning of these two great feasts is sometimes a bit blurry.
More than a ‘cracker’ May 8, 2024By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Amen, Amen Matysek Commentary, Commentary, Eucharist, Feature As one of my own daughters prepares to receive her first Communion this spring, my wife and I try to explain that in the Eucharist we encounter the God of the universe. Just as food feeds and nourishes our bodies, the Eucharist feeds and nourishes our souls. It gives us the strength to resist sin and to be Christ’s presence in the world.
Question Corner: Can I go to a Methodist church since there are no Catholic churches nearby? May 8, 2024By Jenna Marie Cooper OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Question Corner A Methodist Sunday service would not fulfill the Sunday obligation for a Catholic.
Twelve questions answered about Mary May 7, 2024By Robert Fastiggi OSV News Filed Under: Commentary Robert Fastiggi, a professor of theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit and former president of the Mariological Society of America, answers common questions about Mary to help readers more fully understand the church’s teachings regarding the Virgin Mary and why she is truly the “cause of our joy.”