Does every moment count? April 25, 2024By Russell Shaw OSV News Filed Under: Commentary Like words for a poet, color for a painter and sound for a composer, time is everybody’s medium for shaping a life devoted to loving and serving God and neighbor.
A Eucharistic Word: Spiritual Communion April 24, 2024By Michael R. Heinlein OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Eucharist Spiritual Communion is a devotion for those who are unable, for whatever reason, to receive sacramental holy Communion at a given time or in specific situations.
Question Corner: What’s going on with the Latin Mass? April 24, 2024By Jenna Marie Cooper OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Worship & Sacraments As Catholic Christians we are called to approach all things in a spirit of patience and charity — including the issue of other Catholics’ liturgical preferences.
Why Catholics make the Sign of the Cross April 20, 2024By Bert Ghezzi OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Worship & Sacraments The Sign of the Cross is not merely a pious gesture. It is a powerful prayer.
‘It is the Lord!’ April 19, 2024By Jaymie Stuart Wolfe OSV News Filed Under: Commentary If there’s one thing we can learn from those who encountered the Risen Lord during the 40 days between his Resurrection and Ascension, it’s this: Seeing Jesus isn’t the same as recognizing him.
Praying through the headlines in the year of prayer April 18, 2024By Elizabeth Scalia OSV News Filed Under: Commentary It is an important and, yes, powerful thing to invite our guardian angels to guide us, as we peruse the news, toward stories most worthy of our attention; to guard us against rash judgment or bitter cynicism.
‘Stack days’ for growth April 18, 2024By Mark Viviano Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Amen, Commentary, Full-Court Catholic Greatness doesn’t just happen; it’s the result of daily dedication and effort.
‘It Was Just Your Turn’ April 17, 2024By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window As I was approaching an intersection, I heard an ambulance coming from the right. I stopped to let it go by. While I waited for the ambulance to pass, I felt something hit my car from behind.
Easter and Pentecost April 17, 2024By Effie Caldarola OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Easter The time between Easter Sunday and Pentecost is so special, but sometimes I fear we leave the Easter season behind us too quickly.
Question Corner: What is the church’s position on the treatment of animals? April 17, 2024By Jenna Marie Cooper OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Question Corner We believe that all of nonhuman creation is ultimately meant to serve humanity, which is why we are permitted to kill animals for food and to meet other reasonable needs.
A grandmother’s love April 15, 2024By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, The Domestic Church She was one of the people who showed me how to live a faith-filled life – and how to do it with love, understanding and compassion.
‘Cabrini’ does extraordinary job of bringing saint to life April 14, 2024By Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Movie & Television Reviews On March 8 of this year, a film titled “Cabrini” was released; that day is also International Women’s Day. The film is the story of an extraordinary woman, an immigrant to the United States, an advocate for the poor and a saint.