Bishops of U.S., Canada will consecrate their nations to Mary May 1 April 23, 2020By Catholic News Service Filed Under: Coronavirus, Feature, News, Uncategorized, World News Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has announced the U.S. bishops will join the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops May 1 in consecrating the two nations to the care of the Blessed Mother under the title “Mary, Mother of the Church.”
Franciscan Center triples the amount of people it feeds during pandemic April 22, 2020By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Coronavirus, Feature, Local News, News The Franciscan Center in Baltimore has more than tripled the number of people it feeds during the coronavirus pandemic and expects those numbers to keep climbing as more people experiencing poverty or homelessness struggle with access to food.
Though at home, priests busy with prayer, virtual outreach and fellowship April 22, 2020By Erik Zygmont Filed Under: Coronavirus, Feature, Local News, News, Uncategorized With social distancing rules in effect and in-person interactions with parishioners suspended, priests of the Archdiocese of Baltimore are filling their time in a variety of ways, some expected and others less so.
Baltimore Archdiocese offers memorial page for victims of coronavirus April 13, 2020By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Coronavirus, Feature, Local News, News The Archdiocese of Baltimore launched a page on its website April 13 for people throughout the archdiocese to memorialize loved ones who have died of the coronavirus and to offer the prayers and support of the entire Catholic community.
Archbishop Lori: ‘Good virus’ of Jesus’ resurrection is ‘a contagion of hope’ April 12, 2020By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Archbishop's Ministry, Coronavirus, Feature, Local News, News, Uncategorized “Our hold on this life is tenuous,” the archbishop said. “We are not all-powerful, but there is one who is – our risen Lord. In our need, let us turn to him this Easter day.”
Even in time of pandemic, Easter proclaims the victory of life, pope says April 11, 2020By Cindy Wooden Filed Under: Coronavirus, Feature, News, Vatican, World News In a dark and nearly empty St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis blessed a fire, lit the Easter candle and called Christians to keep kindling sparks of hope, knowing that Jesus has risen and death will not have the last word.
Archbishop marks Holy Thursday and Good Friday via livestream April 11, 2020By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Archbishop's Ministry, Coronavirus, Feature, Local News, News Archbishop William E. Lori celebrated Holy Thursday and Good Friday liturgies in the eerily empty Cathedral of Mary our Queen in Homeland in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
Archdiocese provides financial relief to parishes and schools in wake of pandemic April 6, 2020By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Coronavirus, Feature, Local News, News The Archdiocese of Baltimore rolled out a financial relief package for parishes, schools and other organizations worth about $7 million to assist with costs during reaction to the coronavirus pandemic.
Pope on Palm Sunday: Life, measured by love, is meant to serve others April 5, 2020By Carol Glatz Filed Under: Coronavirus, Feature, News, Vatican, Video, World News With a small procession down the vast and empty central nave of St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis began the first of a series of Holy Week liturgies celebrated without the presence of the faithful from the general public.
USCCB president calls for national moment of prayer on Good Friday April 4, 2020By Catholic News Service Filed Under: Coronavirus, Feature, News, World News Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has invited U.S. Catholics to join him on Good Friday, April 10, to pray the Litany of the Sacred Heart at noon (EDT).
Stations of the Cross: Jesus’ passion takes on particular resonance in time of crisis April 3, 2020By Mary K. Tilghman Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Arts & Culture, Feature, Lent, Local News, News The Archdiocese of Baltimore is home to many beautiful Stations of the Cross that tell the story of Christ’s Passion in compelling ways.
Spiritual communion helps connect Catholics to Christ April 2, 2020By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Coronavirus, Feature, Local News, News “It’s a sincere prayer saying that you believe that Jesus is present in the holy sacrament,” Father Poston explained, “and you desire to receive him and love him. But since you can’t, you invite Jesus to come into your heart and soul and be with you.”