El Papa nombra al Redentorista como nuevo obispo auxiliar de Baltimore June 10, 2020By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Archbishop's Ministry, Bishops, Eastern Vicariate, En Español, Hispanic Ministry, Local News, News, Urban Vicariate El Papa Francisco nombró al Padre Redentorista Bruce A. Lewandowski como un nuevo obispo auxiliar de Baltimore. El anuncio fue publicado el 10 de junio por el Arzobispo Christophe Pierre, nuncio apostólico en los Estados Unidos. El obispo designado ha servido desde 2015 como pastor de la parroquia Sacred Heart of Jesus / Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en Highlandtown, en el este de Baltimore, considerado por muchos como el corazón de la comunidad hispana en la arquidiócesis. También ha servido los últimos siete meses como delegado del arzobispo para el ministerio hispano.
Pope names Highlandtown Redemptorist as new auxiliary bishop for Baltimore June 10, 2020By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Archbishop's Ministry, Bishop Lewandowski, Bishops, Eastern Vicariate, Feature, Hispanic Ministry, Local News, News, Vatican, Video Pope Francis named Redemptorist Father Bruce A. Lewandowski as a new auxiliary bishop of Baltimore. The announcement was publicized June 10 by Archbishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States.
‘V Encuentro’ looks at training Hispanic Catholic leaders February 25, 2020By Miguel Vivanco Filed Under: Feature, Hispanic Ministry, Local News, News More than 100 Hispanic Catholic leaders – responsible for implementing the conclusions from the V Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry – accepted the challenge of working on the training of new missionary disciples who will be making up the Hispanic leadership over the next three decades.
Catholic leaders disappointed by ruling limiting immigrant aid January 30, 2020By Carol Zimmermann Filed Under: Feature, Hispanic Ministry, News, World News The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic Charities USA and the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, known as CLINIC, expressed disappointment with the Supreme Court’s Jan. 27 order allowing the Trump administration to go forward with a new rule meant to limit immigrants’ use of government benefit programs.
‘A love with no borders’ seen at Guadalupe Mass in Glen Burnie December 16, 2019By Matthew Liptak Filed Under: Advent, Archbishop's Ministry, Feature, Hispanic Ministry, Local News, News Each year the archdiocese attempts to celebrate Mass at a new location near the actual Dec. 12 feast day to recognize the long tradition of devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, particularly with Catholics of Central and South American heritage.
Immigrants find help making way in classroom, society December 5, 2019By Paul McMullen Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Feature, Hispanic Ministry, Local News, News, Positively Catholic Two millennia after Mary and Joseph crossed a border and encountered closed doors, agencies and parishes across the Archdiocese of Baltimore heed the Gospel call to welcome the stranger.
Baltimore bids farewell to Bishop Brennan August 12, 2019By Norma Montenegro Flynn Filed Under: Eastern Vicariate, Feature, Hispanic Ministry, Local News, News Approximately 300 people, mostly Hispanic immigrants, expressed their love and gratitude for the ministry of Baltimore Auxiliary Bishop Mark E. Brennan during an Aug. 11 farewell Mass at Sacred Heart of Jesus-Sagrado Corazón de Jesús in Highlandtown.
Plea to ‘walk with them’ resonates at refugee-themed Highlandtown Stations of the Cross July 24, 2019By Paul McMullen Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Feature, Hispanic Ministry, Local News, News, Urban Vicariate The pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus-Sagrado Corazón de Jesús led the public display of support for migrants and refugees.
Bishop Brennan named to lead Wheeling-Charleston diocese July 23, 2019By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Bishops, Eastern Vicariate, Feature, Hispanic Ministry, Local News, News, Uncategorized, World News Pope Francis named Bishop Mark E. Brennan as bishop of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, which encompasses the state of West Virginia. The July 23 announcement was publicized in Washington, D.C., by Archbishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States. He will become the ninth bishop of the diocese, which had been the Diocese of Wheeling from its founding in 1850 until 1962, when it became the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston.
Highlandtown parish plans July 23 refugee-themed ‘Way of the Cross’ July 17, 2019By Paul McMullen Filed Under: Feature, Hispanic Ministry, Local News, News, Priests and Deacons The pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus-Sagrado Corazón de Jesús wants to alleviate fear in the immigrant community.
Baltimore Archdiocese, Catholic Charities offer reassurance to immigrants June 24, 2019By Rus VanWestervelt Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Catholic Charities, Feature, Hispanic Ministry, Local News, News Archbishop Lori and Catholic Charities showed their support for the immigrant community at a Highlandtown parish June 23.
Hispanic couples conference in Laurel seeks to strengthen marriage June 17, 2019By Norma Montenegro Flynn Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Feature, Hispanic Ministry, Local News, Marriage & Family Life, News Organized by the Archdioceses of Baltimore and Washington, the sold-out event attracted about 400 Hispanic Catholics interested in furthering their formation on God’s plan on marriage and family and put it into practice at home – and for many of them, also in their ministries.