As Dutch parishes close, some Catholics just quit going to church January 24, 2020By Jonathan Luxmoore Filed Under: News, World News A Dutch Catholic newspaper warned churches will continue to close in the Netherlands, where half of all Catholic parishes have already been dissolved amid plummeting church participation.
Faith always in first place for Catholic high school’s Hall of Fame coach January 23, 2020By Mark Zimmermann Filed Under: News, Obituaries, Sports, World News Wootten led his teams to national prominence while teaching his players to prioritize God, family, school and basketball in that order.
Movie Review: ‘Jojo Rabbit’ January 23, 2020By Kurt Jensen Filed Under: Movie & Television Reviews, News, World News As with many satires, the makers of “Jojo Rabbit” (Fox Searchlight) don’t care much whether an audience likes their film — or understands all of it.
Supreme Court divided about religious schools in scholarship program January 23, 2020By Carol Zimmermann Filed Under: News, Religious Freedom, World News During oral arguments Jan. 22 about the constitutionality of excluding religious schools from a scholarship aid program, a divided Supreme Court seemed like it might lean toward finding a way to allow religious schools to participate.
Archbishop Chaput retires; pope names Bishop Perez successor January 23, 2020By Catholic News Service Filed Under: News, World News Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia and has appointed Bishop Nelson J. Perez of Cleveland as his successor.
Miami priest brings social media muscle to Mid-Atlantic Congress January 22, 2020By Tim Swift Filed Under: Feature, Local News, Mid-Atlantic Congress, News Catholic priests get asked a lot of questions, but for Father Rafael Capó one question comes up more often than not. “Hey Father, what do you bench?”
‘Ed’ Wall, former Catholic Review editor and veteran journalist, dies at 94 January 22, 2020By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Feature, Journalism, Local News, News, Obituaries Arthur E. P. “Ed” Wall, a former editor of the Catholic Review from 1965 to 1971 who would later become director and editor-in-chief of what is now Catholic News Service, died Jan. 18 in Orland Park, Ill. He was 94.
Bishop Strickland says he asked pope about McCarrick report January 21, 2020By Cindy Wooden Filed Under: Child & Youth Protection, McCarrick Report, News, Video, World News Bishop Joseph E. Strickland of Tyler, Texas, said he asked Pope Francis about the Vatican investigation into Theodore E. McCarrick and the release of a promised report on how the former cardinal managed to rise through the church ranks.
Supreme Court to reexamine contraceptive mandate for religious employers January 21, 2020By Carol Zimmermann Filed Under: News, Respect Life, World News The Little Sisters of the Poor are once again going to the Supreme Court.
Pope urges bishops to teach discernment, including on political issues January 21, 2020By Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, Video, World News Sometimes the political choices people face can seem like a choice between supporting a “snake” or supporting a “dragon,” but Pope Francis told a group of U.S. bishops their job is to step back from partisan politics and help their faithful discern based on values, said Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston.
St. Bernardine mourns parishioner caught in crossfire of shootout January 21, 2020By Tim Swift Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Obituaries A longtime parishioner of St. Bernardine Church in West Baltimore died Jan. 18 after being shot earlier this month outside her apartment complex, apparently caught in the crossfire as she smoked a cigarette.
Mass prepares way for March for Life, honors Camp GLOW director January 21, 2020By Edward O'N. Hoyt Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Feature, Local News, News, Respect Life The faithful included members with Down syndrome who have benefited from their time at Camp GLOW; people in wheelchairs; and those interpreting in American Sign Language for the hearing impaired.