87-year-old parishioner gives back February 5, 2009By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Local News, News “I was always very mission-minded,” said Mrs. Chesnavage, a former president of her parish’s sodality who has taken courses in auto mechanics and cooking. “I felt like God needed me. He gave me 12 healthy children, so I felt like I have to give something back.”
MCC raises grave concerns about Gov. O’Malley’s budget January 29, 2009By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Local News, News A day after Gov. Martin J. O’Malley released his Jan. 20 budget in Annapolis, leaders of the Maryland Catholic Conference expressed grave concerns about how it could hurt the poor, children in nonpublic schools and the unborn.
Eric Greene’s Catholic education went as smoothly as his operatic voice January 22, 2009By Catholic Review Filed Under: Local News, News Eric Greene knows three classmates from his Catholic elementary school who have died. Others he knows from his old neighborhood are strung out on drugs or in jail.
Former St. Leo pastor admits to sexual abuse January 8, 2009By Catholic Review Staff Catholic Review Filed Under: Child & Youth Protection, Local News, News Parishioners of St. Leo in Little Italy were informed Dec. 28 that Michael Salerno, formerly their Pallottine pastor, admitted to the sexual abuse of a minor in the 1970s and that his faculties to function as a priest have been permanently revoked.
Mother and child: A story of love and redemption December 25, 2008By Catholic Review Staff Catholic Review Filed Under: Local News, News “Malik is the child of my heart,” Ms. Brogden, 44, said. “He may not be the child of my womb, but he’s the child of my heart. And he knows it.”
Author recovers story of first American-Indian religious order December 18, 2008By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Books, Local News, News When 12-year-old Thomas Foley opened a shoebox in his Aunt Mame’s closet more than 65 years ago, he unwittingly uncovered the building blocks for a remarkable story of faith, courage and determination.
Pioneering Josephite priest dies December 11, 2008By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Local News, News, Obituaries Father Robert “Rocky” Kearns, a pioneering Josephite priest, pastor and superior general who was active in the social justice movement, died in an Alabama hospital Dec. 6 from complications of cancer. He was 72.
Park Heights painting highlights saint December 11, 2008By Catholic Review Filed Under: Local News, News It looks more than a little bit like a Picasso, the nun’s painting of St. Ambrose baptizing St. Augustine.
Girl depicted in statue says Polish pope changed her life December 11, 2008By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Arts & Culture, Local News, News As Melissa Brent crept closer to the 7-foot, 850-pound bronze statue, not even a steady late-November rain could dampen her joy.
Church ties pre-date coaching for Jim Phelan November 27, 2008By Paul McMullen Catholic Review Filed Under: Local News, News, Sports From a parish school in South Philadelphia to the Catoctin Mountains, Phelan spent 65 years on campuses affiliated with the church.
In Ellicott City, children gather for adoration November 26, 2008By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Local News, News “It looks like bread, but it really is Jesus,” explained Father Erik Arnold, pastor of the Ellicott City parish, reminding the young onlookers that Christ is truly present in body, blood, soul and divinity through the Blessed Sacrament.
Father Peach to become Carmelite hermit November 20, 2008By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Local News, News, Vocations Father Patrick Peach is turning in his black clerics and white collar for a brown tunic.