A love of nature, pizza delivery, National Donut Day, a moment of fame, and more (7 Quick Takes) June 7, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window During our visit to my in-laws on Maryland’s Eastern Shore last weekend, I took our boys on a trip to the store. As we were driving, I saw something move out of the corner of my eye and my younger son yelled, “STOP!”
In the right place at the right time June 3, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window This wasn’t a mistake. We weren’t attending Mass in some random parish that just happened to fit our travel schedule. We were exactly where we were supposed to be.
Cooking up a fun summer, graduation gifts, buddy benches, and a flag cake (7 Quick Takes) May 31, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window The other day our younger son came to me with an idea. “What if we filled a jar with pieces of paper with fun things to do this summer? We could pick one every day and then go do it!”
Is it summer vacation yet? May 29, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window It’s not that I’m ready for summer. It’s just that I need the school year to end.
67 Ways to Do the Works of Mercy with Your Kids (An author Q&A) May 28, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Books, Open Window With very full lives, it can be easy to feel that there’s no way to fit anything else into your day. So, when I saw that Heidi Indahl had written 67 Ways to Do the Works of Mercy with Your Kids, I was immediately intrigued.
Yard sales, commencement joy, cotton candy for breakfast, and free Easter egg dye (7 Quick Takes) May 24, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window I could write quick takes or take care of the pile of dirty dishes in the sink. I think we both know which one I picked.
A graduation address by the rider-less Preakness horse, Bodexpress May 19, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window, Uncategorized If you run the race you were meant to run, if you do it with heart and conviction and joy, you will discover you don’t need the winner’s circle. Because you will already have won.
How to celebrate Mother’s Day, losing teeth, little league lessons, and more (7 Quick Takes) May 17, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Our Mother’s Day tradition is to go to the florist on the day before Mother’s Day to pick up a flowering basket for our back porch. It’s simple and fun and everyone enjoys it.
Be Brave in the Scared (A book review) May 13, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Books, Open Window You’ll find love and life and transformation and beauty in Mary Lenaburg’s new book, Be Brave in the Scared.
When you’re kind of a big deal but mostly not, birthday celebrations, fish for dinner, and more (7 Quick Takes) May 10, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window You might think we just breezed into the advance screening of Detective Pikachu earlier this week. But you know there’s always a back story.
Take a Pika-Pika at Detective Pikachu May 7, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window You could sit and imagine a world where Pokémon are real, live creatures, walking the streets with their human counterparts. Or you could simply go see Pokémon: Detective Pikachu.
A prayer gathering for a baby on the way, chaperoning a field trip, dipping chocolate, and more (7 Quick Takes) May 4, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window If you have come to one of my parties, you know that what I focus my energy on are the favors, inviting people the morning of the event, designing veggie trays, and scrambling to get the rest of the food together at the last minute.