George Matysek talks about Sexton’s Lodge Café with Father Brendan Fitzgerald, rector of the Baltimore Basilica, and Maria Veres, director of mission advancement for the basilica.
Radio Interview
Radio Interview: Baltimore archdiocese welcomes increasing number of seminarians
George Matysek talks with Father Steven Roth about the increasing number of men stepping forward to discern a call to the priesthood and the impact that more priests is having on ministries throughout the archdiocese.
New schools chancellor sees hope in Catholic schools
Since Gregory Farno joined the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s Department of Catholic Schools as chancellor for education, he has visited a lot of schools.
Radio Interview: Labor day and the Catholic Connection
Catholic Review Editor Christopher Gunty talks with Bill Droell, author, teacher and longtime editor for the National Center for the Laity about the origins of Labor Day, what popes have said about those who work and about just wages for families, as we mark Labor Day Sept. 2.
Radio Interview: The Spiritual Power of the St. Benedict Cross and Medal
The cross and medal of St. Benedict is considered one of the most powerful sacramentals of the Catholic Church. But where did this spiritual object come from, and how did it derive its power?
Radio Interview: Baltimore sportscaster reflects on his career and Catholic faith
Retired Baltimore sportscaster Mark Viviano, a parishioner of St. John the Evangelist in Severna Park, spoke with George Matysek about his career and his decision to leave it behind.
Radio Interview: Following the non-violent Jesus
Father John Dear has dedicated his life to promoting peace and nonviolence. The internationally known author, activist and teacher of peace and nonviolence has been nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize and has worked with St. Teresa of Kolkata, Daniel and Philip Berrigan, Coretta Scott King and many others.
Radio Interview: Global Catholic Communications
Catholic Review Editor Christopher Gunty talks with two stalwarts of Catholic communications to discuss the challenges of communicating today.
Radio Interview: Evangelization and Seek the City to Come
Julie St. Croix, newly appointed director of Seek the City to Come, talks with George Matysek about the central role of evangelization in the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s plan for renewing parishes in the Baltimore area.
Radio Interview: ‘Jesus Thirsts’ with Jim Wahlberg
What is the miracle that we receive in the Eucharist – the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord? A new documentary, “Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist,” looks at the practice of the Catholic faith around the world and devotion to the Real Presence.
Radio Interview: ‘Grand Slam for God’ – baseball player to priest
Catholic Review Editor Christopher Gunty talked with Father Burke Masters of the Diocese of Joliet about his book, “Grand Slam for God.” Father Masters talks about his conversion to Catholicism in high school, and his journey through the College World Series and pro baseball along the way to discerning the call to the priesthood. Learn about his struggles and joys.
Radio Interview: Survey on Catholic belief in the Real Presence
Catholic Review Editor Christopher Gunty talked with Hans Plate, founder and president of Vinea Research, about the new study the firm released showing that about 60 percent of Massgoers believe in the Real Presence.