When a routine training class on July 10 for soldiers who guard the base entrance gates, identified, in a PowerPoint presentation, both Operation Rescue and National Right to Life as terrorist groups, as well as showing a “Choose Life” license plate, there was initial confusion followed by immediate outrage as an image of that slide leaked onto social media.
Respect Life
Idaho, West Virginia ask Supreme Court to uphold their transgender sports bans
The attorneys general of Idaho and West Virginia asked the Supreme Court on July 11 to uphold their states’ laws requiring student athletes to compete on sports teams that correspond to their biological sex rather than their gender identity.
Kansas Supreme Court overturns abortion ban, clinic regulations
In separate rulings, the Kansas Supreme Court July 5 overturned a ban on a second-trimester surgical abortion procedure known as dilation and evacuation, or D&E, and struck down a series of abortion clinic regulations long opposed by abortion providers.
Pro-life activists react to GOP platform change on abortion at Trump’s direction
Members of the Republican National Committee have approved changes to platform on abortion at the direction of former President Donald Trump, the party’s presumptive presidential nominee, over the objections of pro-life activists who previously asked delegates not to remove the platform’s previous call for federal abortion restrictions.
Do not be afraid to seek God where life is degraded, discarded, pope says
God is present in the “dark corners” of local communities and in people’s lives, Pope Francis said.
Words matter: Vatican publishes ‘lexicon’ on end-of-life issues to aid debate
Public debate on end-of-life issues seems more widespread every time states and nations consider new laws dealing with bioethics and because of social media, the president of the Pontifical Academy for Life said.
Pro-lifers ask delegates not to change Republican platform on abortion
Amid reports that members of the Republican National Committee are poised to change its written stance on abortion at the direction of former President Donald Trump, the party’s presumptive presidential nominee, pro-life activists have asked delegates not to remove opposition to abortion from the party’s platform.
Catholic activists criticize Indiana’s move to resume using capital punishment
Catholic activists criticized a recent announcement by Indiana’s governor that his administration would seek to resume the use of the death penalty in the Hoosier state after obtaining the lethal drugs used to carry out executions.
Supreme Court’s narrow ruling allows abortion for medical emergencies in Idaho for now
The Supreme Court on June 27 dismissed a case concerning abortions for medical emergencies in Idaho, sending the case back to a lower court without resolving the central question of whether a conflict exists between Idaho’s abortion restrictions and federal law governing emergency health care.
Apostolate to pregnant women in need poised to spread mission as lay association of faithful
Now — with the Vatican’s recent approval of the organization as a lay association of the faithful — Mater Filius is poised to spread its mission as part of the Catholic Church’s pro-life outreach.
Why are abortions increasing after Supreme Court’s Dobbs ruling overturned Roe?
The Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive research organization that supports abortion, estimated earlier this year that the number of abortions is the highest it has been in over a decade.
Face adversity with courage, pope tells Italy’s pro-life marchers
There are no compromises when it comes to human life, Pope Francis said.