Mass celebrates the beauty of life, remembers those lost January 16, 2018By Emily Rosenthal Alster Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Respect Life More than 1.5 million hands have held the pro-life brochures created by Linda Brenegan, former director of the Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Laity in Baltimore and beyond taking their rightful place in pro-life work, ministry January 15, 2018By Mark Pattison Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Respect Life Building a culture of life is not solely the work of bishops and ordained clergy. Laypeople take the lead in diocesan and parish settings, and in independent organizations, to make the case for life.
Conversion to the Gospel of life January 11, 2018By Archbishop William E. Lori Filed Under: Blog, Charity in Truth, From the Archbishop, Respect Life Intellectual conversion begins when we start asking questions and challenging assumptions.
Maryland Catholic Conference anticipates busy legislative session January 10, 2018By Catholic Review Staff Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Respect Life, Schools, Social Justice As the General Assembly gathers in Maryland’s Capitol for its session beginning Jan. 10, the Maryland Catholic Conference is poised to provide input from the church’s perspective on a host of issues across the political spectrum.
U.S. Court of Appeals upholds free speech rights of Baltimore’s pro-life pregnancy centers January 8, 2018By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Archbishop's Ministry, Feature, Local News, News, Respect Life In a 3-0 ruling, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit struck down a Baltimore ordinance that would have forced pro-life pregnancy centers in the city to post signs stating they do not provide or refer for abortions or contraceptives
No greater love October 26, 2017By Richard Doerflinger Filed Under: A More Human Society, Commentary, Respect Life In a moving commentary, the father of a fallen soldier says his son’s death was not the random victim of some meaningless accident. He deliberately risked his life to protect others. He was a hero.
Pro-life community opens Howard County homes for unwed pregnant mothers October 13, 2017By John O'Donnell Filed Under: Local News, Ministry, News, Respect Life Archbishop William E. Lori blessed two upscale four-bedroom suburban houses in Howard County
Amen: Lessons learned about human life October 5, 2017By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Amen, Amen Gunty Commentary, Commentary, Respect Life My folks showed the face of Christ to those they met. They instilled respect for life in us.
Carroll County parish dedicates Grotto for the Preservation of Life September 5, 2017By Emily Rosenthal Alster Filed Under: Knights of Columbus, Local News, News, Respect Life, Western Vicariate “So many have come to me and said they feel very comfortable coming to the grotto and being able to come pray,” said Al Martin, member of Council 9127 and usher.
It’s a culture war, stupid August 28, 2017By George Weigel Filed Under: Commentary, Respect Life, The Catholic Difference To reduce a human being to an object whose value is measured by “utility” is to destroy one of the building blocks of the democratic order – the moral truth that the American Declaration of Independence calls the “inalienable” right to “life.”
Catonsville monument to lives lost to abortion finds new home August 24, 2017By Kevin J. Parks Filed Under: Knights of Columbus, Local News, News, Respect Life As the sun faded behind the home of Knights of Columbus Patapsco Council 1960 on Frederick Road in Catonsville Aug. 23, pro-life supporters dedicated a memorial to remember lives lost by abortion.
The Least of These: Pro-life activism goes beyond sidewalk’s end July 27, 2017By Erik Zygmont Filed Under: Eastern Vicariate, Feature, Local News, News, Respect Life, Urban Vicariate, Western Vicariate Pregnancy centers and other pro-life ministries in and around the Archdiocese of Baltimore point to a stretched heart that now envelops mothers to the same degree as their unborn children.