Rachel’s Vineyard retreats offer post-abortion healing July 21, 2022By Catholic News Service Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, World News OWENSBORO, Ky. (CNS) — Megan was “at first super-excited” when she learned about the concept of a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat, “but as the date got closer I got nervous,” she said. Rachel’s Vineyard, an international program that started in 1995, now offers weekend retreats worldwide that aim to bring healing for women and men suffering from the effects of abortion. Megan, who asked that her last name not be used, said she almost turned around on her way to the retreat. But she decided to continue and found it to be a positive experience that she said helped her deal with repressed emotions from her experience with an abortion 30 years ago. “Coming through the retreat, I found that God forgives,” she told The Western Kentucky Catholic, newspaper of the Diocese of Owensboro. Today, Megan is part of the team with Rachel’s Vineyard of Kentucky. “I’ve always wanted to help people who were in my situation, but I didn’t know how,” she said. Now she feels she can “make a difference in other people’s lives.” Father Ben Cameron, a priest of the Fathers of Mercy religious community based in Auburn, Ky., helped start Rachel’s Vineyard of Kentucky and is the site leader of the western Kentucky team. He said Rachel’s Vineyard team leaders are usually laywomen, but he has remained in this role since the team’s beginning in 2005 and knows a number of fellow priests who also serve in Rachel’s Vineyard’s healing ministry. The priest said the retreat design can help people process other types of grief, such as miscarriages or even knowing someone else who experienced an abortion. Ultimately, the purpose of the retreat is “helping men and women open their hearts to Jesus Christ as the healer,” he said, adding that “it is not just emotional, but a spiritual journey of the heart.” “I’ve seen people come in very hardened, perhaps hateful of men, and walk out completely different,” he said. A typical retreat has a team of six or seven people, including a facilitator, a priest, a professional therapist, a person who does the audio/visual, and one or two people who lead the readings, meditations and prayers. Although the founder of Rachel’s Vineyard, Theresa Karminski Burke, is Catholic, the program offers a Catholic version and an interdenominational version. The priest said generally, more women come than men, but it is always open to both. Participants also must be at least 18 years of age but that “you’re never too old to make the retreat.” Father Cameron said that if someone has a person in their life that had an abortion “that person may be hurting deeply. They don’t feel they have permission to grieve.” He said “offering to go and make the retreat with them may open the door for someone — saying ‘I would love to walk this with you.'” In fact, hopeafterabortionky.com, the website for Rachel’s Vineyard of Kentucky, encourages people to consider inviting their spouse or support person to accompany them on the retreat. He said Rachel’s Vineyard has found that many people who had abortions also had been sexually abused which led Burke to develop a sister retreat in 2005 called Grief to Grace, for individuals to find healing who have endured physical, emotional, sexual and/or spiritual abuse. Sometimes people bring their stories of abuse to Rachel’s Vineyard and it can help them heal, “but for some, the trauma is so deep that they need something more,” he said. Ministering with Rachel’s Vineyard has shown him “some of the most powerful experiences of being a spiritual father and shepherd. It’s made me so much more cognizant of the pain and trauma that people experience.” Megan encourages anyone who might need to attend a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat to consider signing up, stressing: “God is forgiving and he will accept you in his open arms. You are worth it. You don’t need to carry around this burden anymore.” Editor’s Note: For more information about the national Rachel’s Vineyard healing ministry for post-abortion trauma and grief, visit the official Rachel’s Vineyard website, http://rachelsvineyard.org, or call 1-877-HOPE-4-ME (1-877-467-3463). To learn about the sister retreat program of Rachel’s Vineyard called Grief to Grace at www.grieftograce.org. Author Elizabeth Wong Barnstead is editor of The Western Kentucky Catholic, newspaper of the Diocese of Owensboro. Red state death penalty repeal efforts emerge despite Trump’s order to expand use of the practice Kate Scanlon February 11, 2025 jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#facebook-before-258294’).sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘facebook’); } }); $(‘#twitter-before-258294’).sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { twitter: { via: ‘CatholicReview’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘twitter’); } }); $(‘#pinterest-before-258294’).sharrre({ share: { pinterest: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { pinterest: { media: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/death-penalty-morris.jpg’, description: ‘Red state death penalty repeal efforts emerge despite Trump’s order to expand use of the practice’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘pinterest’); } }); $(‘#linkedin-before-258294’).sharrre({ share: { linkedin: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘linkedin’); } }); }); Efforts to repeal the death penalty have been introduced in two Republican-led states, with some lawmakers citing their Catholic faith as a factor in their opposition to capital punishment. The efforts come even as President Donald Trump has moved to expand the use of the practice. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#facebook-after-258294’).sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘facebook’); } }); $(‘#twitter-after-258294’).sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { twitter: { via: ‘CatholicReview’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘twitter’); } }); $(‘#pinterest-after-258294’).sharrre({ share: { pinterest: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { pinterest: { media: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/death-penalty-morris.jpg’, description: ‘Red state death penalty repeal efforts emerge despite Trump’s order to expand use of the practice’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); 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api.openPopup(‘linkedin’); } }); }); Continue Reading Pro-life groups welcome British cardinal’s attack on ‘irresponsible’ assisted suicide bill Attacker of Baltimore pro-life advocates found guilty of assault Katie V. Jones February 7, 2025 jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#facebook-before-258192’).sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘facebook’); } }); $(‘#twitter-before-258192’).sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { twitter: { via: ‘CatholicReview’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘twitter’); } }); $(‘#pinterest-before-258192’).sharrre({ share: { pinterest: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { pinterest: { media: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/pp-assault-cr-768x511_2_.jpg’, description: ‘Attacker of Baltimore pro-life advocates found guilty of assault’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘pinterest’); } }); $(‘#linkedin-before-258192’).sharrre({ share: { linkedin: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘linkedin’); } }); }); A jury in Baltimore Circuit Court found Patrick Brice guilty Feb. 6 on two counts of second-degree assault and two counts of reckless endangerment for attacking two pro-life supporters May 23, 2023, outside a Planned Parenthood facility on North Howard Street in Baltimore. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#facebook-after-258192’).sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘facebook’); } }); $(‘#twitter-after-258192’).sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { twitter: { via: ‘CatholicReview’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘twitter’); } }); $(‘#pinterest-after-258192’).sharrre({ share: { pinterest: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { pinterest: { media: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/pp-assault-cr-768x511_2_.jpg’, description: ‘Attacker of Baltimore pro-life advocates found guilty of assault’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘pinterest’); } }); $(‘#linkedin-after-258192’).sharrre({ share: { linkedin: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘linkedin’); } }); }); Continue Reading Attacker of Baltimore pro-life advocates found guilty of assault Copyright © 2022 Catholic News Service/U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Print
Red state death penalty repeal efforts emerge despite Trump’s order to expand use of the practice Kate Scanlon February 11, 2025 jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#facebook-before-258294’).sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘facebook’); } }); $(‘#twitter-before-258294’).sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { twitter: { via: ‘CatholicReview’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘twitter’); } }); $(‘#pinterest-before-258294’).sharrre({ share: { pinterest: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { pinterest: { media: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/death-penalty-morris.jpg’, description: ‘Red state death penalty repeal efforts emerge despite Trump’s order to expand use of the practice’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘pinterest’); } }); $(‘#linkedin-before-258294’).sharrre({ share: { linkedin: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘linkedin’); } }); }); Efforts to repeal the death penalty have been introduced in two Republican-led states, with some lawmakers citing their Catholic faith as a factor in their opposition to capital punishment. The efforts come even as President Donald Trump has moved to expand the use of the practice. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#facebook-after-258294’).sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘facebook’); } }); $(‘#twitter-after-258294’).sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { twitter: { via: ‘CatholicReview’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘twitter’); } }); $(‘#pinterest-after-258294’).sharrre({ share: { pinterest: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { pinterest: { media: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/death-penalty-morris.jpg’, description: ‘Red state death penalty repeal efforts emerge despite Trump’s order to expand use of the practice’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘pinterest’); } }); $(‘#linkedin-after-258294’).sharrre({ share: { linkedin: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘linkedin’); } }); }); Continue Reading Red state death penalty repeal efforts emerge despite Trump’s order to expand use of the practice
African Catholics join forces against human trafficking in unprecedented campaign Ngala Killian Chimton February 10, 2025 jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#facebook-before-258259’).sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘facebook’); } }); $(‘#twitter-before-258259’).sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { twitter: { via: ‘CatholicReview’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘twitter’); } }); $(‘#pinterest-before-258259’).sharrre({ share: { pinterest: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { pinterest: { media: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/aftrica-trafficking.jpg’, description: ‘African Catholics join forces against human trafficking in unprecedented campaign’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘pinterest’); } }); $(‘#linkedin-before-258259’).sharrre({ share: { linkedin: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘linkedin’); } }); }); Marches and Masses in more than 30 African countries were organized Feb. 8 to raise voices against human trafficking, marking the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, and kicking off a Jubilee Year campaign “Restoring Hope in Africa: A Jubilee Call to End Human Trafficking.” jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#facebook-after-258259’).sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘facebook’); } }); $(‘#twitter-after-258259’).sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { twitter: { via: ‘CatholicReview’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘twitter’); } }); $(‘#pinterest-after-258259’).sharrre({ share: { pinterest: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { pinterest: { media: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/aftrica-trafficking.jpg’, description: ‘African Catholics join forces against human trafficking in unprecedented campaign’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘pinterest’); } }); $(‘#linkedin-after-258259’).sharrre({ share: { linkedin: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘linkedin’); } }); }); Continue Reading African Catholics join forces against human trafficking in unprecedented campaign
Pardoned pro-lifers describe their legal ordeal, what lies ahead for their activism Kurt Jensen February 10, 2025 jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#facebook-before-258164’).sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘facebook’); } }); $(‘#twitter-before-258164’).sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { twitter: { via: ‘CatholicReview’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘twitter’); } }); $(‘#pinterest-before-258164’).sharrre({ share: { pinterest: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { pinterest: { media: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/pardoned-prolifers.jpg’, description: ‘Pardoned pro-lifers describe their legal ordeal, what lies ahead for their activism’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘pinterest’); } }); $(‘#linkedin-before-258164’).sharrre({ share: { linkedin: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘linkedin’); } }); }); On Jan. 23, the president pardoned Paulette Harlow and 22 other pro-life activists convicted of violating the federal Freedom of Access to Clinics Act, or FACE Act. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#facebook-after-258164’).sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘facebook’); } }); $(‘#twitter-after-258164’).sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { twitter: { via: ‘CatholicReview’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘twitter’); } }); $(‘#pinterest-after-258164’).sharrre({ share: { pinterest: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { pinterest: { media: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/pardoned-prolifers.jpg’, description: ‘Pardoned pro-lifers describe their legal ordeal, what lies ahead for their activism’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘pinterest’); } }); $(‘#linkedin-after-258164’).sharrre({ share: { linkedin: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘linkedin’); } }); }); Continue Reading Pardoned pro-lifers describe their legal ordeal, what lies ahead for their activism
Strengthening religious practice could help reverse demographic crisis, says Irish study Sarah Mac Donald February 9, 2025 jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#facebook-before-258115’).sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘facebook’); } }); $(‘#twitter-before-258115’).sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { twitter: { via: ‘CatholicReview’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘twitter’); } }); $(‘#pinterest-before-258115’).sharrre({ share: { pinterest: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { pinterest: { media: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/irish-family-study.jpg’, description: ‘Strengthening religious practice could help reverse demographic crisis, says Irish study’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘pinterest’); } }); $(‘#linkedin-before-258115’).sharrre({ share: { linkedin: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘linkedin’); } }); }); A decline in religion will likely deepen Ireland’s demographic crisis, according to a new study by a pro-family and pro-life Irish institute. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#facebook-after-258115’).sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘facebook’); } }); $(‘#twitter-after-258115’).sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { twitter: { via: ‘CatholicReview’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘twitter’); } }); $(‘#pinterest-after-258115’).sharrre({ share: { pinterest: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { pinterest: { media: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/irish-family-study.jpg’, description: ‘Strengthening religious practice could help reverse demographic crisis, says Irish study’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘pinterest’); } }); $(‘#linkedin-after-258115’).sharrre({ share: { linkedin: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘linkedin’); } }); }); Continue Reading Strengthening religious practice could help reverse demographic crisis, says Irish study
Pro-life groups welcome British cardinal’s attack on ‘irresponsible’ assisted suicide bill Jonathan Luxmoore February 8, 2025 jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#facebook-before-258205’).sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘facebook’); } }); $(‘#twitter-before-258205’).sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { twitter: { via: ‘CatholicReview’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘twitter’); } }); $(‘#pinterest-before-258205’).sharrre({ share: { pinterest: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { pinterest: { media: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/uk-cardinal.jpg’, description: ‘Pro-life groups welcome British cardinal’s attack on ‘irresponsible’ assisted suicide bill’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘pinterest’); } }); $(‘#linkedin-before-258205’).sharrre({ share: { linkedin: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘linkedin’); } }); }); Pro-life groups welcomed comments by the head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales bitterly criticizing attempts by government-aligned parliamentarians to rush through a bill allowing doctor-assisted suicide. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#facebook-after-258205’).sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘facebook’); } }); $(‘#twitter-after-258205’).sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { twitter: { via: ‘CatholicReview’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘twitter’); } }); $(‘#pinterest-after-258205’).sharrre({ share: { pinterest: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { pinterest: { media: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/uk-cardinal.jpg’, description: ‘Pro-life groups welcome British cardinal’s attack on ‘irresponsible’ assisted suicide bill’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘pinterest’); } }); $(‘#linkedin-after-258205’).sharrre({ share: { linkedin: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘linkedin’); } }); }); Continue Reading Pro-life groups welcome British cardinal’s attack on ‘irresponsible’ assisted suicide bill
Attacker of Baltimore pro-life advocates found guilty of assault Katie V. Jones February 7, 2025 jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#facebook-before-258192’).sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘facebook’); } }); $(‘#twitter-before-258192’).sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { twitter: { via: ‘CatholicReview’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘twitter’); } }); $(‘#pinterest-before-258192’).sharrre({ share: { pinterest: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { pinterest: { media: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/pp-assault-cr-768x511_2_.jpg’, description: ‘Attacker of Baltimore pro-life advocates found guilty of assault’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘pinterest’); } }); $(‘#linkedin-before-258192’).sharrre({ share: { linkedin: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘linkedin’); } }); }); A jury in Baltimore Circuit Court found Patrick Brice guilty Feb. 6 on two counts of second-degree assault and two counts of reckless endangerment for attacking two pro-life supporters May 23, 2023, outside a Planned Parenthood facility on North Howard Street in Baltimore. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘#facebook-after-258192’).sharrre({ share: { facebook: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘facebook’); } }); $(‘#twitter-after-258192’).sharrre({ share: { twitter: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { twitter: { via: ‘CatholicReview’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘twitter’); } }); $(‘#pinterest-after-258192’).sharrre({ share: { pinterest: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { pinterest: { media: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/pp-assault-cr-768x511_2_.jpg’, description: ‘Attacker of Baltimore pro-life advocates found guilty of assault’ } }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘pinterest’); } }); $(‘#linkedin-after-258192’).sharrre({ share: { linkedin: true }, urlCurl: ‘https://catholicreview.org/wp-content/plugins/genesis-simple-share/assets/js/sharrre/sharrre.php’, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, disableCount: true, buttons: { }, click: function(api, options){ api.simulateClick(); api.openPopup(‘linkedin’); } }); }); Continue Reading Attacker of Baltimore pro-life advocates found guilty of assault