vatican news 2020 ConsistoryAdventChristmasFeatureNewsVaticanWorld News At Mass with new cardinals, pope warns against worldliness Carol GlatzNovember 30, 20205 min read Concelebrating Mass with newly created cardinals, Pope Francis said Advent is a time to be vigilant, hopeful and helpful. 2020 ConsistoryFeatureNewsVaticanWorld News Pope creates 13 new cardinals, including Washington archbishop Cindy WoodenNovember 28, 20207 min read One by one 11 senior churchmen, including two U.S. citizens — Cardinals Wilton D. Gregory of Washington and Silvano M. Tomasi, a former Vatican diplomat — knelt before Pope Francis to receive their red hats, a cardinal’s ring and a scroll formally declaring their new status and assigning them a “titular” church in Rome. 2020 ConsistoryFeatureNewsVaticanWorld News Italian cardinal-designate says he’s simply a pastor Cindy WoodenNovember 28, 20203 min read “I am a pastor,” Cardinal-designate Enrico Feroci, 80, said after Pope Francis announced he would make him a cardinal. “I hope to continue being a pastor.” 2020 ConsistoryFeatureNewsVaticanWorld News Cardinal-designate sees appointment as testament to God’s word Junno Arocho EstevesNovember 27, 20204 min read Cardinal-designate Tomasi, a Scalabrinian, said Pope Francis has not explained why he chose him, but he thinks one reason is that he belongs “to a small religious family that for over a century has been working with migrants and refugees and displaced people and people on the margins of society 2020 ConsistoryFeatureNewsVaticanWorld News Pope picks Italian-American diplomat, migrant minister, as new cardinal Cindy WoodenNovember 26, 20205 min read Cardinal-designate Tomasi, a Scalabrinian, said Pope Francis has not explained why he chose him, but he thinks one reason is that he belongs “to a small religious family that for over a century has been working with migrants and refugees and displaced people and people on the margins of society 2020 ConsistoryFeatureNewsVaticanWorld News Mexican cardinal-designate credited for building up indigenous church David AgrenNovember 25, 20205 min read But for many in Mexico, the elevation is seen as the recognition of a prelate who continued the pastoral work of his towering predecessor in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Bishop Samuel Ruiz. Cardinal-designate Arizmendi’s project of building a native church in a mostly indigenous diocese caused conflict with the church hierarchy and land-owning elites, but has found new appreciation since the election of Pope Francis. 2020 ConsistoryFeatureNewsVaticanWorld News Cardinal-designate Gambetti studied engineering, then became a friar Carol GlatzNovember 24, 20204 min read Although he had a degree in mechanical engineering, Cardinal-designate Mauro Gambetti decided to dedicate his life’s journey to a different kind of builder, St. Francis of Assisi. BooksCoronavirusFeatureNewsVaticanWorld News Pope, in new book, talks about personal ‘lockdowns’ that changed his life Cindy WoodenNovember 23, 20203 min read While the coronavirus lockdowns and restrictions have interrupted people’s lives and brought suffering on a global scale, every individual — including the pope — has or will experience traumatic interruptions in their lives, Pope Francis said in a new book. FeatureNewsRacial JusticeVaticanWorld News Pope meets with NBA players’ union delegation at the Vatican Junno Arocho EstevesNovember 23, 20203 min read A delegation representing the National Basketball Players Association, a union representing professional athletes from the NBA, met with Pope Francis and spoke with him about their work in promoting social justice. 2020 ConsistoryFeatureNewsVaticanWorld News Italian cardinal-designate got start on Rome’s rough streets Carol GlatzNovember 23, 20203 min read Cardinal-designate Paolo Lojudice’s work in Rome’s rough outskirts earned him such titles as “street priest,” “bishop of the Roma” community, and Pope Francis even told him the word was that he was the toughest bishop in the capital. Previous 1 … 203 204 205 … 219 Next