Kittens and babies April 11, 2019By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Behind the Headlines, Blog, Commentary Some legislators – at the state and federal level – are so afraid of anything that acknowledges the humanity of an unborn child that they cannot imagine granting any kind of protection, even when it should be obvious.
Archbishop Lori: Church has many reasons to get right response to child sexual abuse April 9, 2019By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Child & Youth Protection, Feature, Local News, McCarrick Report, News, World News A week into National Child Abuse Protection Month, Archbishop William E. Lori visited the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops chapel to celebrate midday Mass for employees of the conference to reflect on the church’s work to develop policies and procedures to prevent child abuse by those within the church.
‘Unplanned’ isn’t fun to watch, but it’s necessary viewing March 28, 2019By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Behind the Headlines, Blog, Commentary, Respect Life It’s an important movie that will challenge your thinking, even if you already consider yourself pro-life.
Hagerstown’s St. Maria Goretti High will move in fall March 22, 2019By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Schools, Western Vicariate St. Maria Goretti High School President Chris Cosentino announced to the school community at a meeting March 21 that the school will move in fall 2019 to a new campus, due to the current academic building sitting in a flood plain.
Archdiocese ends 2018 fiscal year with surplus March 21, 2019By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Local News, News The Archdiocese of Baltimore finished the 2018 fiscal year in better financial shape than the prior year, primarily because of improvements in the stock market, which especially helped recover some of the unfunded balance in the archdiocese’s retirement fund.
Archbishop Lori restricts ministry of Bishop Bransfield and Bishop Bennett in dioceses March 11, 2019By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Child & Youth Protection, Feature, Local News, News Archbishop Lori has announced restrictions on the ministry of Bishop Michael J. Bransfield, retired bishop of Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, W.V., and Bishop Gordon D. Bennett, S.J., former auxiliary bishop of Baltimore and a former bishop of the Diocese of Mandeville, Jamaica.
‘Pea toast’ and other sacrifices March 7, 2019By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Amen, Amen Gunty Commentary, Commentary, Lent We fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and abstain from meat on the other Fridays of the season, but it’s not much of a sacrifice to splurge on lobster instead of beef as a Lenten meal.
Applications open for Archdiocesan Pastoral Council March 4, 2019By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Archbishop's Ministry, Feature, Local News, News In re-establishing an Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, Archbishop William E. Lori hopes the new group of lay advisers will be guided by the Holy Spirit and will help the Archdiocese of Baltimore evaluate “what are we doing right, what are we doing wrong, what have we not thought about,” according to Mary Ellen Russell, director of community relations.
Hundreds of Catholics visit state legislators February 25, 2019By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Archbishop's Ministry, Feature, Local News, News Catholics from throughout Maryland gathered in Annapolis Feb. 21 to learn about legislative issues and meet their lawmakers during an event sponsored by the Maryland Catholic Conference.
Maryland fetal homicide bill would enable murder charges for death of younger fetus February 21, 2019By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News Mark Wallen spoke Feb. 21 at a news conference in Annapolis to promote Senate Bill 561/House Bill 757, also known as “Laura and Reid’s Law,” which would expand fetal homicide protections to as few as eight weeks’ gestation.
‘Substantial evolution:’ Bishop Parker shares observations on response to abuse crisis February 4, 2019By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Child & Youth Protection, Feature, Local News, News Bishop Parker answers questions about the archdiocesan response to the scandal of child sexual abuse in the church.
Archbishop’s new pastoral reflection acknowledges history of slavery and racism January 21, 2019By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Black Catholic Ministry, Feature, Local News, News Archbishop William E. Lori released Jan. 21 his second pastoral reflection in 12 months on the effects of racism on society. “The Journey to Racial Justice: Repentance, Healing and Action” was to be released by the archbishop at St. Bernardine Parish in West Baltimore on the day that commemorates the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.