How to cut an onion without tears, that art app, snow days, and growing crystals (7 Quick Takes) January 19, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window For years and years I have cried while cutting onions.
Enjoying a behind-the-scenes look at a local, family-owned bowling alley January 18, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window When friends of ours suggested we get a group together and go bowling last weekend, I knew I wouldn’t have any trouble selling my family on the idea. We love bowling.
About praising famous men January 18, 2018By John Garvey Filed Under: Blog, Guest Commentary, Intellect and Virtue I wish we had a litmus test to identify the people who deserve our praise. But it won’t ever be simple. We are all sinners.
Shopping with kids: When you have your own purse-onal shopper January 16, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window, Uncategorized I’ve reached a whole new place in parenting. Today if I get to choose, I do not want to shop alone. I want to bring a child along.
The surprising message of ‘Downsizing’ January 16, 2018By Bishop Robert Barron Filed Under: Blog, Word on Fire It is precisely religious faith that will awaken courage and compassion, and it is precisely the lack of faith that conduces, by a short road, to spiritual and psychological exhaustion—both in the individual and in a culture.
Hearing Dr. King’s voice today: 6 favorite quotes from Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. January 15, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Words can hurt, and words can heal. Words can divide people or build bridges.
Treating all with respect and dignity is foundational principle of civilized society January 13, 2018By Archbishop William E. Lori Filed Under: Blog, Feature, From the Archbishop When we begin to see and treat human life as disposable or we lose sight of that dignity possessed by all of God’s children, whether they are immigrants, the unborn, the elderly, the homeless, the addicted, or minorities, then we’ve lost our way as a human family and as a nation.
Let it snow (but not too much), a baptism photo, a final batch of Christmas cookies, and avocado toast (7 Quick Takes) January 11, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window If I can put in my snow request for the season, I would like one good snowstorm—maybe six inches or so—and then we can head into spring.
Conversion to the Gospel of life January 11, 2018By Archbishop William E. Lori Filed Under: Blog, Charity in Truth, From the Archbishop, Respect Life Intellectual conversion begins when we start asking questions and challenging assumptions.
Shopping on the spectrum January 11, 2018By Robyn Barberry Filed Under: Blog, Unconditional It took an accidental trip to the grocery store with a child psychologist to help me to see the world through my autistic child’s eyes.
Starting the day with “Pastries for Parents” January 10, 2018By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window, Uncategorized Pastries for Parents.It’s such a lovely idea. You’ll take your child to school a half-hour early and sit in the cafeteria and talk about school and life and meet their friends and other parents. That’s the dream. The reality? Everyone has to wake up early, which naturally sets the whole day up for success. They’re […]
Amen: Ecclesiastes and 1968 January 10, 2018By Paul McMullen Filed Under: Amen, Amen McMullen Commentary, Blog, Local News Social media pronounces that there has never been this much discord and downright hate in our nation. I wasn’t around for the Civil War, but do recall the mess that was 1968.