Question Corner: Is spiritual communion the same as sacramental Communion? August 21, 2024By Jenna Marie Cooper OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Question Corner, Worship & Sacraments While a spiritual communion might be a praiseworthy aid to one’s spiritual life, it is not the same thing as a physical, sacramental Communion.
Study on Catholic attitudes on immigration shows need for instruction August 21, 2024By Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Immigration and Migration At least 46 percent of our Catholics need better instruction on what the church teaches so that their opinions on migration will be informed by Catholic social teaching.
How to raise your kids into faithful adults August 21, 2024By Dr. Greg Popcak OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Marriage & Family Life The Peyton Institute for Domestic Church Life (an apostolate of Holy Cross Family Ministries) worked with the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate to create the Future Faithful Families Project.
Christ on river, Christ down street August 20, 2024By Jaymie Stuart Wolfe OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Eucharist I’ll give the big events all I’ve got, but focus more of my attention on the daily opportunities God gives me to both see Christ living and active in my life and be Christ to the people I encounter where he has placed me.
No warranty needed August 19, 2024By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window ’Tis the season for back-to-school shopping, and last week I found myself at the computer store, picking up a laptop. The store employee behind the counter rang up the purchase and then looked at me. “Do you want to get the warranty on that?” “No,” I said. “It costs almost half the price of the […]
The National Eucharistic Congress: A taste of heaven August 19, 2024By Bishop Andrew H. Cozzens OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Eucharist To see 60,000 people — the largest procession in this country in almost 50 years — gathered to show their love and honor for Jesus Christ was powerful.
Question Corner: What is the church’s position on cremation? August 19, 2024By Jenna Marie Cooper OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Question Corner The Church permits cremation, provided that it does not demonstrate a denial of faith in the resurrection of the body.
Supernaturalism: The natural state of faith-infused living August 16, 2024By Elizabeth Scalia OSV News Filed Under: Commentary I passionately advocate for acknowledging the profound supernaturalism of the Catholic Church, where bread and wine, consecrated through prayer and ritual, bring into our space the very presence of the incarnate Lord, who feeds us, entering into our very veins and sinews, so we might become his vessels, bringing the light, the concern, the Body of Christ into the world.
Put me in, coach! August 15, 2024By Mark Viviano Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Feature, Full-Court Catholic Just as I stood patiently on the sidelines with my son, our Lord has stood patiently with me. He has led me out into the field to spread his word, and he has coaxed me to fulfill my baptismal calling to make disciples of others.
The world says ‘jump!’; Jesus says otherwise August 13, 2024By Elizabeth Scalia OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Olympics Jesus wants us to love each other — to recognize the God-borne humanity in each person that comes before us and — before reacting, deciding or judging — loving them for it.
Into the desert with St. Anthony of Egypt August 12, 2024By Lauretta Brown OSV News Filed Under: Books, Commentary, Saints “The Life of St. Anthony of Egypt,” written by St. Athanasius, his contemporary and friend, tells the story of this great Desert Father and was a natural fit to read in the heat of July.
Food for the Back-to-School Journey August 11, 2024By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window Each of us needs nourishment today and tomorrow. We need something to sustain us through the challenges and obstacles along the way.