Bringing clarity, context to the U.S. bishops’ stance in immigration debate February 7, 2025By Archbishop Thomas Wenski OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Immigration and Migration Most Americans do want a solution to the perceived chaos on our borders. The U.S. bishops following Catholic social teaching do recognize that national sovereignty affords nations’ the right to control their borders. We have never advocated for “open borders” or that “bad actors” should be admitted indiscriminately or that wrong doers of any type be free to roam our streets and endanger our citizens.
What is keeping you from heaven? February 7, 2025By Ava Lalor OSV News Filed Under: Commentary The only one who can keep us from heaven is ourselves.
Analysis: New immigration policies risk sending migrants back to failed states, war zones February 7, 2025By Gina Christian OSV News Filed Under: Catholic Social Teaching, Commentary, Immigration and Migration As part of swift and sweeping changes to immigration policy, the Trump administration is aiming to end or severely curtail two forms of immigration status that have been granted to hundreds of thousands escaping war, disaster, violence and humanitarian crises — Temporary Protected Status and humanitarian parole.
Meditating on Christ’s passion with St. Thomas More February 6, 2025By Lauretta Brown OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Saints These last written words from St. Thomas More offered a timely reminder to have courage and lean on Christ in the face of struggles new and old for his strength “is made perfect in weakness.”
Catholics, Hippocrates, and reforming American medicine February 6, 2025By George Weigel Syndicated Columnist Filed Under: Commentary, Health Care, Respect Life, The Catholic Difference The willful participation of physicians and other medical professionals in the practice of abortion flatly contradicts the Hippocratic Oath — long the moral framework for sound medical practice — in its original form.
Marriage: A sacrament of lasting love February 5, 2025By Heidi and Cory Busse OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Marriage & Family Life Married life gives us a glimpse of the eternal union of God and his church and calls each spouse to build the other up for everlasting life in heaven.
Question Corner: Can you receive Communion twice in one day? February 5, 2025By Jenna Marie Cooper OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Eucharist, Question Corner A faithful Catholic may indeed receive holy Communion twice in one day — but the second reception must be within the context of a Mass.
Freedom of worship for migrants February 4, 2025By Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Immigration and Migration, Religious Freedom While a raid on church property may not be a legal threat to religious liberty in every circumstance, it is certainly a moral one.
On the journey toward sainthood February 4, 2025By Effie Caldarola OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Saints We remember Brother James on Feb. 13, the anniversary of his martyrdom, and pray for a miracle to advance his cause for canonization.
Lunar New Year: This Year Takes the Snake (Cake) February 3, 2025By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window, Uncategorized The timing of the holiday is always just what I need—a festival that arrives in between the gap of the rejoicing of Christmas and the warmth and light of springtime. Here we are in the in-between times, celebrating with food and loved ones and fun.
You have my permission to cry and shout February 3, 2025By Elizabeth Scalia OSV News Filed Under: Commentary How many of us are walking around with broken hearts because we won’t permit ourselves the medicine of weeping and fully feeling the things we’ve determinedly repressed because we want that illusion of strength?
Exploring the growth of Catholic classical liberal arts education January 30, 2025By Charlie Camosy OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Schools Jay Boren, headmaster of St. Benedict Classical Academy since 2015, sees cultivating wisdom and virtue in the pursuit of truth and conformity to Christ as the final purpose of Catholic classical education.