Elmo and the challenge of Lent February 16, 2024By Effie Caldarola OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Lent Maybe it’s my turn to think of someone each day to turn to and say, “Just checking in. How are you doing?”
This Lent, say sorry — and mean it February 15, 2024By Dr. Greg Popcak OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Lent As we express our sorrow to God this Lent for the ways that our lives do not reflect his plan for us, it can be important to make sure our “I’m sorrys” have all the components of sincere remorse.
Five great Lenten reads February 15, 2024By OSV News OSV News Filed Under: Books, Commentary, Lent The season of Lent is an ideal time to grow in the spiritual life. Here are five great reads to help you on your way.
Question Corner: Is Communion by intinction permissible, and is the devil a being? February 15, 2024By Jenna Marie Cooper OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Question Corner The practice of administering Holy Communion by intinction — i.e., where the minister dips the host in the precious blood, which the communicant then receives on the tongue — is certainly “legal” and is an established option for receiving communion under both kinds.
Stations of the Cross help us make sense of suffering February 14, 2024By Michael R. Heinlein OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Lent Christ’s cross makes sense of our own, hence the universal appeal of popular devotions like the Stations of the Cross.
A time to come home February 14, 2024By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Lent, The Domestic Church Whatever this Lenten season brings for us, may we trust that God is longing to be closer to each of us, surrounding us with his love, and inviting us into the comfort and joy of a deeper relationship with him.
Ash Wednesday’s significance February 13, 2024By D.D. Emmons OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Lent when we go to that early Mass on Ash Wednesday morning and receive the blessed ashes on our forehead, we are repeating a somber, pious act that Catholics have been undergoing for over 1,500 years.
Fasting and abstinence: More than laws of the church February 13, 2024By D.D. Emmons OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Lent As the penitential season of Lent begins, we Catholics, like Christians everywhere, prepare to commemorate the passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Remembering our Valentine’s Day proposal February 12, 2024By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Lent, Open Window I knew he had the ring. I knew he was going to propose that night.
Fanny Montpensier was known for devotion to community, good works February 12, 2024By Dr. Tricia T. Pyne Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Black Catholic Ministry, Commentary, Racial Justice In honor of Black History Month, we are privileged to share with the story of Fanny Montpensier (1794-1880), a free woman of color and a member of Baltimore’s Haitian refugee community. Fanny’s name might not be familiar today, but while she was alive she was well-known in her community for her devotion, her good works, and a passion to share her faith with others.
Lent provides spiritual spring training February 12, 2024By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Commentary, Lent I’d like to offer another view of Lent: it is a time to ensure that our spiritual life is in top-notch coordination.
Lent with ‘The Chosen’ February 8, 2024By Sister Hosea Rupprecht OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Lent, Movie & Television Reviews “The Chosen” provides much inspiration that could kick start your Lenten reflection on how God might be inviting you to metanoia, or conversion, during this penitential season.