Feasting at and through the 13th black Catholic Congress exhibits July 25, 2023By Carole Norris Greene Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Black Catholic Ministry, Commentary, National Black Congress Perusing the offerings at the exhibit hall open throughout each day of the 13th National Black Catholic Congress was a welcome task for attendees.
Question Corner: Are Protestant martyrs of the English Reformation heretics or in heaven? July 25, 2023By Jenna Marie Cooper OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Question Corner Heresy consists of an obstinate — that is, persistent and stubborn — rejection of Catholic teaching by a person after they were baptized.
Painting, sister outings, a diaper cake, and pre-birthday fun (7 Quick Takes) July 22, 2023By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window, Uncategorized When the children are younger, you struggle with how to display their artwork because it’s all so personal and sweet. Then when they get older, it can be even harder to know what to do because their work is so beautiful.
Why OTC birth control pill is dangerous to women and girls July 22, 2023By Samantha Stephenson OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Respect Life Hormonal contraceptives do not belong on drug counter shelves.
Spiritual Exercise July 19, 2023By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Commentary, From the Archbishop A great act of charity is to accompany a person or family who is thinking of coming back to church.
Question Corner: Who is condemned and why do Catholics wear crucifixes? July 18, 2023By Jenna Marie Cooper OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Question Corner As Catholics, we believe that God created us with free will, meaning that we decide for ourselves to love God and seek to follow his commandments; or we can choose to reject or ignore God.
Go ahead. Have ice cream for breakfast. July 16, 2023By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Open Window Maybe this is not your parenting approach. You do what works for you. I’ll be over here watching a happy child lick his spoon.
A prayer for Father Joe Breighner July 14, 2023By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Feature, The Narthex How do you come up with thousands of column ideas over the course of half a century even as you are devoting your life to so many other ministries – including an immensely popular radio show that reached audiences across the country?
Bring generations together this summer July 14, 2023By Sister Constance Veit, L.S.P. Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Seniors Whether you are young, like Mary, or older, like her cousin Elizabeth, this summer set aside some time to reach out to someone who is not from your own age cohort. If you do, your life, and the lives of others, will be richly blessed.
Thank you, Father Joe July 13, 2023By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window I’ve long admired Father Joe Breighner’s work.
An Adventure in the Kitchen July 13, 2023By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window There wasn’t quite enough for another double-crusted pie, but I could maybe make a tart.
Take heart, press forward July 13, 2023By Carole Norris Greene Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Amen, Black Catholic Ministry, Commentary, Racial Justice Congress XIII participants can take heart from the consecrated men and women who for decades courageously spoke truth to power as they called for the inclusion of the cultural contributions of Black Catholics to the Catholic Church during those troubling times before the Baltimore-based National Black Catholic Congress Inc. (NBCC) was established.