Church’s mission is seen in care for the sick, pope says in message January 10, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Health Care, News, Vatican, World News The way individual Catholics and their parishes care for the sick offers a precise measure of just how much they either are part of or are fighting the “throwaway culture” that ignores or discards anyone seen as flawed or weak, Pope Francis said in his message for the World Day of the Sick.
Archdiocese of Baltimore at the forefront of Mental Health First Aid training December 27, 2022By Robyn Barberry Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Health Care, Local News, News Nearly 1,000 archdiocesan employees, clergy, parishioners and community members (some unaffiliated with the church) have gone through Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training offered as part of the Mental Wellness Initiative launched by Archbishop William E. Lori about a year ago.
Ascension Saint Agnes awarded Advanced Total Hip and Knee Replacement Certification December 15, 2022By Catholic Review Staff Catholic Review Filed Under: Health Care, Local News, News Ascension Saint Agnes earned an award and certification from a national orthopedic surgery group for its work with patients undergoing hip and knee replacements.
Like 5th Circuit, 8th Circuit strikes down Biden’s transgender mandate December 13, 2022By Catholic News Service Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Health Care, News, World News The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis Dec. 9 permanently blocked a transgender mandate the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services had implemented as a revision to the Affordable Care Act.
Art cart makes healing rounds at St. Joseph Medical Center December 11, 2022By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Health Care, Local News, News Beginning in Summer 2021, University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center, Towson, has offered patients the chance to relax and express themselves creatively through the hospital’s “Heart Cart” outreach.
5th Circuit block on transgender mandate stands; 8th Circuit ruling pending December 9, 2022By Catholic News Service Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Health Care, News, World News Luke Goodrich tweeted that the 5th Circuit’s ruling “was a successful step in the fight to protect doctors’ conscience rights,” but added: “The fight continues in the Eighth Circuit, where we expect a ruling soon.”
Speakers outline medical, societal trends threatening Catholic health care November 19, 2022By Kurt Jensen Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Health Care, News, Respect Life, World News The inaugural Symposium for the Advancement of Catholic Health Care on Nov. 12 didn’t try to advance policy proposals, but it had a single message: Keep fighting.
Worth more than a thousand words November 3, 2022By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Colleges, Feature, Health Care, Local News, News Art has symbolic value, therapist Rita Singer said, and can help get at feelings and concerns that can’t always be expressed in words.
From babies to seniors: Knowing health needs November 3, 2022By Todd Karpovich Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Health Care, Local News, News At every stage of life from birth to senior years, there are different areas of focus for keeping in good health. It’s important to work with your physician to know what health concerns need to be addressed for each new stage of life.
Havre de Grace family makes peace with Alzheimer’s November 1, 2022By Robyn Barberry Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Health Care, Local News, News, Seniors Alzheimer’s disease accounts for 60-80 percent of dementia cases. On average, a person with Alzheimer’s lives four to eight years after diagnosis, but can live as long as 20 years.
HHS urged to ‘reconsider misguided mandate’ on transgender procedures October 3, 2022By Catholic News Service Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Health Care, News, U.S. Congress, World News Catholic hospitals and their workers “must not be coerced by the government to violate their consciences” by being forced to perform “gender transition procedures” against their religious beliefs, said two U.S. cardinals writing in America magazine.
Archdiocese of Baltimore helps provide mental health first aid training June 9, 2022By Priscila González de Doran Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Health Care, Local News, News The Archdiocese of Baltimore, as part of the Mental Wellness Initiative launched by Archbishop William E. Lori, has been providing mental health first aid training to parishioners throughout the archdiocese over the last few months.