Living the Gospel of Life October 9, 2020By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Commentary, Feature, Respect Life We must not allow ourselves to be deluded into thinking that death is the way to deal with social challenges we face.
Catholic activists applaud encyclical’s stance against death penalty October 6, 2020By Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Fratelli Tutti, News, Respect Life, Social Justice, Vatican, World News Pope Francis tackled several issues in his new encyclical, but the section devoted to ending capital punishment was particularly cheered by U.S. Catholics who oppose the death penalty.
Belief in God as creator of all has practical consequences, pope says in new encyclical October 4, 2020By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Fratelli Tutti, News, Respect Life, Vatican, World News Professing faith in God as the creator of all human beings, or even simply recognizing that all people possess an inherent dignity, has concrete consequences for how people should treat one another and make decisions in politics, economics and social life, Pope Francis wrote.
Trump says he will sign order to ensure babies born alive receive care September 23, 2020By Kurt Jensen Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, World News President Donald Trump said Sept. 23 he would sign an executive order to “ensure that all precious babies born alive, no matter their circumstances, receive the medical care that they deserve.”
Vatican reaffirms, clarifies church teachings on end-of-life care September 22, 2020By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, Vatican, World News With the legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia in many countries, and questions concerning what is morally permissible regarding end-of-life care, the Vatican’s doctrinal office released a 25-page letter offering “a moral and practical clarification” on the care of vulnerable patients.
Global biotech company ends use of aborted fetal cell lines for vaccines September 21, 2020By Julie Asher Catholic News Service Filed Under: Coronavirus, News, Respect Life, World News Catholic pro-life leaders say they are seeing some progress in the development of vaccines with the use of ethical animal cell lines instead of cell lines derived from abortions.
Patricia Kelly, tireless pro-life advocate and legislative lobbyist, dies at 88 September 8, 2020By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Obituaries, Respect Life Patricia Kelly, a tireless advocate for the pro-life cause whose gentle but persistent lobbying efforts helped secure a ban on physician-assisted suicide in Maryland, died Sept. 4 at Portumna, her family farm in Carroll County.
Planned Parenthood drops suit against Indiana abortion law on ultrasounds August 24, 2020By Catholic News Service Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, World News Ending three years of legal dueling, Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill announced Aug. 20 that Planned Parenthood has conceded defeat in a lawsuit that challenged a state law requiring women to undergo an ultrasound at least 18 hours before having an abortion.
Democratic Party urged to be ‘big tent’ and welcome its pro-life members August 19, 2020By Kurt Jensen Catholic News Service Filed Under: 2020 Election, Feature, News, Respect Life, U.S. Congress, World News Alison Centofante, director of external affairs at Live Action, observed: “Abortion’s not a partisan issue,” but rather is based on what science has learned about fetal development in the womb.
Letter: Democrats must make room for pro-lifers, ‘moderate’ abortion position August 17, 2020By Julie Asher Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, U.S. Congress, World News About 100 current and former Democratic lawmakers from several states urged the Democratic Party’s Platform Committee Aug. 14 “to moderate its official position on abortion,” saying many party leaders support abortion policies “radically out of line with public opinion.”
Nebraska governor signs bill that bans dismemberment abortions August 17, 2020By Catholic News Service Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, World News Saying Nebraska is “a pro-life state,” Gov. Pete Ricketts Aug. 15 signed into law a ban on dismemberment abortions, which he said stops a “horrific procedure” and is “an important step to strengthen our culture of life.”
In planning Jan. 29 March for Life, officials mindful of health safeguards August 2, 2020By Kurt Jensen Catholic News Service Filed Under: Coronavirus, Feature, News, Respect Life, World News March for Life is, at its core, a bus event for college and high school groups, and restrictions on that kind of travel are still an unknown factor.