While a spiritual communion might be a praiseworthy aid to one’s spiritual life, it is not the same thing as a physical, sacramental Communion.
Worship & Sacraments
Those who sing pray twice
One of the multiple blessings of the last six decades since the close of the providential Second Vatican Council has been an emphasis on congregational singing and the development of excellent parish choirs.
Is every Sunday a wasted opportunity?
The goal should be to help average adult Catholics know what it is they profess to believe, what it is they are participating in each Sunday, and what it means to be a baptized Christian in today’s world.
10 reasons we ‘have to’ go to Mass
We need ritual in our lives. Mass is a ritual, which means that through the repetition of prayers, movements, and the changing of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, we are formed, disciplined and consoled.
Question Corner: Is a parish required to provide a screen and kneeler in the confessional?
While the church expects confessions to be heard in a designated confessional under ordinary circumstances, there are times when it would be permissible to celebrate the sacrament someplace else.
Like British peers, prominent U.S. figures ask pope not to further restrict traditional Mass
Following the example of a group of British cultural icons, a group of American “Catholics and non-Catholics” and prominent cultural and intellectual personalities asked Pope Francis in an open letter July 15 not to further restrict the traditional Latin Mass.
Pope: Anointing of the sick offers strength to those seriously ill, elderly
The sacrament of the anointing of the sick is not just for those who are nearing the end of their life, Pope Francis said.
How to celebrate Sunday as a Catholic
What implications does our round-the-clock world have on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being?
A eucharistic word: grace
The mysterious workings of grace in our lives — or even what grace is — were fodder for interesting conversations between this father and his then-almost-7-year-old.
Understanding Pope Francis, women and holy orders
While the universal Synod may continue to discuss the possibility of ordaining women to the diaconate, Pope Francis’ clear and emphatic statement to Norah O’Donnell renders that discussion moot.
Hours after his first Communion, boy begins remarkable recovery from debilitating illness
Joshua’s first Communion in the hospital connects strongly to his healing, noting that the “extraordinary grace of holy Communion is a gift not only to his soul, but to his body.”
Latin Mass to have permanent home at St. Alphonsus; will end at Hagerstown parish in August
The celebration of the Mass in the extraordinary form (also known as the Traditional Latin Mass) in the Archdiocese of Baltimore will be entrusted solely to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, effective Aug. 1.