Father Collin Poston Commentary AdventCommentaryDust and Dewfall ‘A’ is for Advent Father J. Collin PostonNovember 27, 20244 min read Pray today and this week about how God is calling you to witness to Advent, to observe Advent, to pray this Advent. Seriously. For without Advent, it is impossible to truly understand Christmas. CommentaryDust and Dewfall God spoke to me through my espresso Father J. Collin PostonAugust 16, 20223 min read The Lord can surely teach us patience – to wait on him and to wait for our prayers and he is sure answer to them. BlogCommentaryDust and Dewfall His first swimming lesson Father J. Collin PostonAugust 9, 20213 min read Father Collin Poston imagines what might have been like if Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the beach as a child. CommentaryDust and DewfallEaster The Fourth Nail Father J. Collin PostonApril 6, 20212 min read For Holy Week and the Easter Season, Father J. Collin Poston composed the following poem. BlogCommentaryDust and Dewfall Of Ottos, grottoes and other O words Father J. Collin PostonNovember 5, 20204 min read In these stressful times, Father Collin Poston’s four-legged friend has some advice. BlogCommentaryDust and Dewfall Forgiving hearts Father J. Collin PostonSeptember 14, 20203 min read Ask the Lord today to show you someone you need to forgive or someone from whom you need to seek forgiveness. BlogCommentaryDust and DewfallUncategorized St. Anthony and the Eucharist Father J. Collin PostonJune 15, 20203 min read May our eucharistic Jesus give us that renewed life, and powerfully change and transform us from the inside out. BlogDust and Dewfall Knowing his voice Father J. Collin PostonMay 4, 20204 min read If we know the voice of the Lord Jesus well, and we continue to respond to it, then we know what follows it: an abiding peace and confident hope that cannot be taken away. BlogDust and DewfallLent Start strong and show God Father J. Collin PostonFebruary 26, 20203 min read Let us “start strong” and “show God” to the world and those around us, and give a demonstration of the unseen by being Christlike in our lives and in our love. BlogDust and Dewfall Are you ready to see the Light of Life? Father J. Collin PostonFebruary 3, 20203 min read Every day is a gift from our Heavenly Father. May we not take it for granted but live it as such, and allow the light of Jesus to shine in and through us so, as to illuminate and brighten our often dark and troubled world. 1 2 3 Next