‘Infinite sadness’ marks the loss of grand Cathedral of Notre Dame April 16, 2019By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Behind the Headlines, Blog, Commentary I’ve visited the grand cathedral a few times since the late 1990s. It is an impressive place to visit and to pray.
Ave Maria: Seeking Jesus in tragedy April 16, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Somehow, in the midst of all the updates that statues had been removed for cleaning and that much of the artwork had been carried out safely, I couldn’t find anything about the Blessed Sacrament.
Favorite flowers, a gift for a 3-year-old, cupcakes, squishy Easter gifts, and baseball (7 Quick Takes) April 13, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window What’s your favorite spring flower? I never can decide. I love the yellows that kick of spring, especially the forsythia and the daffodils.
Kittens and babies April 11, 2019By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Behind the Headlines, Blog, Commentary Some legislators – at the state and federal level – are so afraid of anything that acknowledges the humanity of an unborn child that they cannot imagine granting any kind of protection, even when it should be obvious.
Creatures of Comfort April 9, 2019By Robyn Barberry Filed Under: Blog, Unconditional And this is what Jesus offers us; the comfort we need to get through our hard times without necessarily experiencing his physical presence.
Transitions and trust April 9, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Much as I cannot believe it, our older son is in fifth grade. And we’re not all that far from the end of school.On a school field trip this week, he and his fellow fifth graders climbed aboard school buses and traveled to the middle school they’ll be attending in September. Afterward, I asked a […]
Homework enthusiasm, a new little league season, and more (7 Quick Takes) April 4, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window These highlights of our week are written in rhyme.
Just another stretch of coincidences in Smalltimore April 4, 2019By Paul McMullen Filed Under: Baltimore Boomer, Blog Managing Editor Paul McMullen is in a stretch of work that’s reminded him why his hometown is also described as “Smalltimore.”
Jesus knows what you need April 3, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Jesus knows what we need before we ask. He knows what we needbetter than we do.
Everything about Lent is awesome (in rhyme) April 1, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Lent, Open Window This Lent is fantastic! Believe it, it’s true. We are ready for Easter! We’ve nothing to do!
Inviting in the Angels March 31, 2019By Suzanna Molino Singleton Filed Under: Blog, Snippets of Faith Why not ask angels to help you every day?
An art history lesson, fun with words, and why these 7 Quick Takes are a 12th birthday gift March 28, 2019By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Open Window Our younger son brought home this beautiful pastel drawing of a cityscape. I don’t know what the assignment was or whether it’s inspired by a famous artist. I just know I love it.