Exchanging Christmas gifts and organizing holiday parties are all well and good, but Christians should contemplate the scene of Jesus’ birth to recover what is truly important during the Christmas season, Pope Francis said.
Christmas in a time of war
What shall we make of the burning Holy Land, during a Christmastide when we celebrate the angelic announcement of a messianic birth that marks the inbreaking of the peaceable kingdom of Isaiah 11:6-9?
Celebrating the Incarnation, remember Bethlehem, too, pope says
When St. Francis of Assisi staged the first Nativity scene 800 years ago, he did so to remind people of the powerful, awe-inspiring truth that God became human in Jesus, Pope Francis said.
Christmas still calls
God will never dishonor himself by going back on this tremendous gift of free will. And when our choices cause us pain, God never stops encouraging us to “confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help” (Heb 4:16).
Ukraine’s war-torn Christians look ahead to first Christmas shared with West
When Ukraine’s embattled citizens gather this Christmas, their rich festivities will feel symbolically different — as the festival is celebrated for the first time on Dec. 25, in line with the Western calendar.
How to celebrate a Catholic Christmas
For Catholics, Dec. 25 is only the beginning of the celebration of Christmas. As others pack away the decorations, we continue to celebrate the gift of Christ, ever present for us in the Eucharist — a continual manifestation of God’s loving care for us all year long.
At Christmas, God remains with us through war and poverty, pope says
The Christmas season is a reminder to Christians that despite hardships, God chose to join himself to humanity and still remains by its side, Pope Francis said.
‘Christ before me’: Pray the Breastplate of St. Patrick at the manger
The shepherd of shepherds will lead the way through unknown paths of life.
Plenary indulgence available for 800th anniversary of first Nativity scene
Catholics will have the opportunity to obtain a plenary indulgence from Dec. 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to Feb. 2, 2024, the feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ in the Temple.
Preventing the nightmare before Christmas
This isn’t intended to be a long lecture of dos and don’ts, but rather guideposts to help the children over the next few weeks.
Special guests at dinner under Bernini’s colonnade — the homeless
For the first time in history, 150 homeless people had a festive meal, served by Italian journalists and their families, under the famous baroque Bernini’s colonnade in St. Peter’s Square.
Pope marks 800th anniversary of Nativity scene, asks prayers for Holy Land
Away in a cave near Greccio, Italy, St. Francis of Assisi had the first Nativity scene — a live one — staged for the faithful on Christmas Eve in 1223. A 15th-century fresco now decorating the cave inspired the Nativity scene erected in St. Peter’s Square for the 800th anniversary celebrations.