‘Rosary priest’ Father Peyton: ‘The family that prays together stays together’ October 4, 2024By Gerald Korson OSV News Filed Under: Commentary Throughout the latter half of the 20th century, Father Peyton was perhaps the best-known “media priest” this side of Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Human dignity and the digital explosion October 4, 2024By Sister Hosea Rupprecht OSV News Filed Under: Commentary What is a person of faith to do before the enormity of AI and all the other digital technologies we have in our hands? Trust in God and make sure to keep the human person at the center for all our digital interactions.
Sunken treasure October 3, 2024By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Commentary And just as the divers who found the San Jose did not work alone, so too those who are retrieving the faith do not work alone.
A Catholic understanding of death and dying October 3, 2024By Peter J. Colosi OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Respect Life The “pro-choice” and pro-life sides are in agreement that physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia is death by deliberate killing. The disagreement between them is whether that should be legal or not.
Deer in the dusky evening October 3, 2024By Effie Caldarola OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Environment As we look forward to St. Francis of Assisi’s feast day on Oct. 4, may we pray to St. Francis for the freedom of simplicity and a renewed commitment to our mother Earth.
Election year manners October 3, 2024By Russell Shaw OSV News Filed Under: 2024 Election, Commentary Our politicians lately have been setting a bad example (again?) for the rest of us via their so-called debates.
‘Hannah’s Children’ author Catherine Pakaluk on population decline and the link between large families and faith October 2, 2024By Charlie Camosy OSV News Filed Under: Books, Commentary, Marriage & Family Life Catherine Pakaluk, herself a mother of eight children, takes a deep dive into the stories of the American women choosing to have large families amid the trend of plummeting birth rates.
Being pro-life without exception October 2, 2024By Irene Maria DiSanto OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Respect Life Even when conceived through an immoral, criminal act, the child is as much the image and likeness of God as everyone else.
Question Corner: Why did God send Lucifer down to earth? October 2, 2024By Jenna Marie Cooper Filed Under: Commentary, Question Corner While the devil was cast out of God’s direct presence in heaven, this did not happen because God actively wanted Satan to have sway over his creatures.
St. Thérèse: We have only today September 30, 2024By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window Over the years, I have come to marvel at St. Thérèse’s “little way.” I love the idea of taking simple, small steps on the road toward sainthood.
Challenges of being a Catholic voter September 30, 2024By Greg Erlandson OSV News Filed Under: 2024 Election, Commentary, Respect Life Most Catholics are trying to make the best prudential decision while a lot of people are yelling at them with their opinions.
A Trip to the Book Barn September 29, 2024By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window, Uncategorized The books I brought home may have had one owner or 10. They may have passed through dozens of children’s hands or been treasured by a single person who kept them intact.