‘High Anxiety’ November 8, 2023By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Commentary When we are worried about something specific, we do well to take it to prayer, to ask the Lord to help us discern the path forward, to show us with whom we should be working, and then we roll up our sleeves and address it.
Praying for souls, autumn thoughts, a rosary and a reunion (7 Quick Takes) November 7, 2023By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window ~1~ During this month when we pray for All Souls, one of my favorite traditions is filling our prayer basket with the names of loved ones who have died. Every day we pull a name and pray for that person (or people, in some cases) that day. I didn’t have a chance to fill the […]
Let’s not quibble over the time of Mass November 7, 2023By Father Chuck Wible Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary If we truly believe that the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith lives, than we should not be quibbling over time.
Remembering my Aunt Agnes’ 104 years of faith November 6, 2023By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Feature, The Narthex George Matysek fondly remembers his 104-year-old aunt, a woman of courage, faith and determination.
What battles are we losing when the holy water fonts are dry? November 5, 2023By Elizabeth Scalia OSV News Filed Under: Commentary Pastors throughout the church, if you haven’t already, please fill the fonts and supply holy water to the stoups.
The Didache: An ancient catechism, a contemporary message November 4, 2023By Kenneth Craycraft OSV News Filed Under: Commentary The Didache not only provides a fascinating glimpse of the liturgical and moral life of the early church, but also offers relevant guidance for every age, including our own.
Does Purgatory really exist? ‘I hope so,’ said the priest November 2, 2023By Jaymie Stuart Wolfe OSV News Filed Under: Commentary In purgatory, we will finally become all we were created to be, what God deems what we’d call the “best version of ourselves.”
Praying for the dead November 2, 2023By Christopher Gunty Catholic Review Filed Under: Amen, Amen Gunty Commentary, Commentary The things that weigh us down in this life – fatigue, difficult jobs, pain, injustice, our sins – will all be gone in heaven.
Zombies, graves and autumnal gratitude November 1, 2023By Effie Caldarola OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Saints On All Souls and All Saints, we honor not just the dead whom we love and extol as examples; we proclaim our belief that this is not the end — that from the hallowed ground of our beloved dead comes the promise of the risen Lord, the empty tomb.
Analysis: Rupnik affair challenges church to turn synod synthesis into concrete proposals in 2024 November 1, 2023By Peter Jesserer Smith OSV News Filed Under: Commentary The Rupnik affair poses a real test to not only the synod’s members, but the whole church, which has 11 months before the synod assembly reconvenes, to reflect on the synod’s synthesis report released Oct. 28 and discern what “co-responsible” decision-making should look like for governance of a “missionary synodal church.”
Can the laity save the church? October 31, 2023By Greg Erlandson OSV News Filed Under: Commentary Whatever path leads to the church of tomorrow, it depends on the laity getting involved in its revitalization.
Question Corner: Are demonic possessions just mental illness? October 31, 2023By Jenna Marie Cooper OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Question Corner most dioceses in United States have protocols which require an individual to have medical and psychiatric evaluations, to rule out potential natural causes, before they can receive a major exorcism.